Charles Spratlin

and what do tarrifs have to do with the fact that Toyota is a Japanese company?

the left need not necessarily apply to the Democrat party itself (though 99.99999 percent voted with them.)

the point however, is irrefutable. the left wing of this nation needs to learn from this mess so it doesn’t repeat itself.

holy shit the skoda is adorbs

Cobra Daytona CSX2287

still a Japanese company, money goes back to japan. thus still ironic

firstly; the irony of it being a toyota is fairly entertaining

secondly, enough whinging already! the man got elected for numerous reasons, one of the biggest is the lousy fucking candidate the Dems went with in choosing Hillary. what should have been a landslide against a racist asshole turned into a shell shocked

Can someone explain to me what was so bad about the Obama legacy other than him being black?

Unemployment didnt come down as quickly as it could ahve because of bad policy making, the ACA is a fucking mess that for all its drama didnt go nearly far enough nor actually fix the situation, his foreign policy has been an

Stein got such a teeny percentage of the vote its effectively negligible. the DNC failed with their top two choices, its as simple as that on their end.

Looking at the close states, be sure to thank those that voted third party (the coward’s vote) for that.
I take issue with this, the primary third party votes when to Johnson, which undercut Trump’s own votes.

perhaps if the DNC had opted for a genuine middle ground candidate instead of a pair of old establishment

neh, honestly overkill for the application. their little skiffs arent armored so you could get the same effect with a mounted gun for cheaper.

well lets see, two of the big three publications over here pretty well shat all over it, its been negatively reviewed elsewhere, save fanboys like you of course.

granted are all open to their opinion (as Harris is) but at the end of the day the truth cant be ignored. its too little too late in the power wars.

and its

i guess its a matter of the historical importance of the individual, and on that list she is pretty low. a handful of “first person to” records, more “first woman records” and then her disappearance.

call it a lack of understanding for foolish obsessions. i get just as irate over this obsession with the Titanic (more so because that was just errant idiocy).

and its the best we can come up with? a pity

i have, ill take 3 pedals every single day

horse and shit, the production reviews have been lack luster too

i find this quite curious as the other two main publications have the car fairly lowly ranked. very very interesting.

Oversight is my guess seeing as its listed as YJ

color me confused, but whats the point on this one?

You expect a company that can remember what it’s supposed to be to remember it’s own history?