
...unless you’re a cop.

But how you going to claim self defense if you threw the first punch? Also, if the other guy was not rushing at you, coming towards you or anything, how also is that self defense? 

The cool thing about these videos is that you can learn and get better (for instance, if you just honestly don’t understand the hitbox of an attack, which can definitely be an issue in souls games, these vids can help you dodge it). But it’s also great because it shows the raw consistency and precision of top players

  • “I would like to sell this item for 1,655% of what I paid for it.”

What’s wrong with doing tributes to Bennett until he dies? Considering the other recent Jez article that suggested that Gaga is “horny” for Bennett, why can’t we all just accept that Bennett is a music legend, especially for standards-lovers like Gaga, and deserves his accolades now that he’s no longer able to perform

Now playing

My sympathy at this point lies with his editors. There is nothing more frustrating and unprofessional to an editor than a writer who won’t deliver pages. Yes, the creative process can take time, but at this point, it’s beyond that for GRRM. It’s not just that he’s a ponderously slow writer (which he is). He’s clearly

Just admit you lost interest and aren’t going to finish the series. It would be less disappointing. Its never going to be done, its been more then a decade, I don’t even want it anymore.  Last two books kinda sucked and I have no reason to assume the quality of a finished book 6 would be worth the wait.  I used to be

Cancel culture is getting way out of hand.”

Dehumanizing people because of their innate physical attributes is wrong.

Telling someone they need implants is one thing. Telling them they are equal to slaves unless they do is another thing entirely.

My problem with it isn’t the message she was trying to convey, it’s the way she said it. Suggesting surgery to ‘correct’ a problem with your body is gross. It’s just as bad as a guy telling a girl to get a boob job because she has small breast. But, the way she said it came off like she thinks short guys are

Im 180cm tall, but i still do not like such comments. Where do you draw a line? It telling girls to get a breast implants ok? Is it ok to tell dark-skinned people to bleach their skin? Is it okay to tell homosexuals to go to “conversion therapy”? In my opinion none of those are okay.

Would you react the same way if she’d said “fat people have no rights, they should all get bariatric surgery”?

Really amazed at the “both-sides-ism” here.

*Sees someone slam into a rock wall and flip over*
“YES! Very nice!!”

What is wrong with people?

If only there were some sort of way to contact the restaurant ahead of time. It’s crazy that our advanced technology hasn’t solved this problem yet. 

Pro tip: When you see a pile of fresh snow with no foot tracks or shoveling done in front of the customer entrance for a business, they are definitely closed. Dude shouldn’t have needed to walk up to the door to figure that out.

which involved an unfortunate and isolated incident that occurred at one of our stores eight years ago.”

Lets be clear on why Cracker Barrel really got smacked with this fine: It wasn’t just that their employee accidentally poisoned someone. That happened, and it’s not good, but it wouldn’t be enough for the punitive damages in question. From TooFab, who did a better job digging into this than CNN did:

I guarantee that the only reason it “was 8 years ago” is because Cracker Barrel kept it locked in pre-trial BS and litigation for 7-1/2 years.