Pics of someone eating/drinking without a mask anywhere in the world is somehow a gotcha-moment? It’s how current mask-mandates get to take the mask off to perform these essential behaviors ffs.
Pics of someone eating/drinking without a mask anywhere in the world is somehow a gotcha-moment? It’s how current mask-mandates get to take the mask off to perform these essential behaviors ffs.
I think this is definitely a cultural thing. AOC just has the unfortunate job combination of being a leftist WOC in this country so it’s amplified all the more.
The dumbass actually typed the capital letter O (“oh”) instead of the number 0 (zero) for the score. Does he actually think the letter stands for something other than a shorter way of saying “zero for two”?
I don’t doubt that the conservative hate of AOC is because she’s getting under their skin and they can’t date or fuck her into submission.
damn she knows it and i love her calling it out.
I will only be happy when brontosauruses are restored to their natural designation as planets.
Why won’t Pluto just f-f-f-f-f-f-f-fade away?
I’m still a little embarrassed that I believed pandas weren’t bears for all those years. I mean, look at them. They’re clearly bears, and I should never have believed the scientists who said they were actually a lot closer to raccoons.
I think you’re right. People don’t like admitting something they were taught was wrong because they seem to equate it with being told they were stupid to have believed it in the first place.
“the team of scientists allege that the current planetary classification system is based more on outdated astrological (read: pseudoscientific) terminologies, and should be updated to reflect the modern age.”
Pretty sure the only thing that is going to make some people happy is if they define a planet as the “things I was taught were planets when I was ten”.
We're just a moon of the Sun.
To be fair, this was the same argument that led to Pluto being demoted in the first place -- the argument was, if Pluto was a planet, so were dozens of other things. Choosing to demote Pluto or accept the other things are just two sides of the same coin.
Any system that would classify moons of planets as “planets”, is dumb.
It's not a remake: it's a sequel.
I’m really looking forward to your next album “The Hard Day’s Night.”
He was really good in Altered Carbon, the first season is great.
When did Hollywood decide that adding or subtracting a “The” was sufficient to distinguish between movies, even if they came out only a few years apart and feature overlap in casts? Anyway, I hope you all buy the debut album from my band, Beatles.
He’s among the Sam Worthingtons and Jai Courtneys of the world to me, ie. the Boring Lead Men Who Must Be Stopped, although ironically it was the last Suicide Squad that actually almost took Courtney off that list for me, with his goofy scenery chewing Captain Boomerang.
That was mind-boggling. Frankly, double jump is a pretty apt, attention-grabbing, description for “player jumps obscenely high with enough hang time to realize he wasn’t making the catch and had to stretch more to reach the ball.” I probably wouldn’t have read “great play at SS tonite!!” on Kotaku, and I’m pretty…