Charles Martel

Only proof of plus good right thing will be acceptable to True Progressives. 

When will we as a nation confront the systemic racism that is affirmative action? When will we confront the real racists with power, the Jussie Smolletts and Louis Farrakhans and Al Sharptons?

Democrats: Doing for America what they’ve done for Detroit. 

Portland also has street executions of those who fail to toe the Party Line (Michael Reinoehl) and Seattle has a burgeoning secessionist movement that for a time had the highest per-capita murder rate in the US (CHOP).

Likely we don’t want our functioning municipalities with sanitation, social cohesion, law and order, and walkable streets to be turned into sub-third world homeless encampments with medieval diseases, mostly peaceful riots, political monopoly, and sh*t in the streets.

Well, guess what happens when a bunch of people move into town and start expecting services and your town is not prepared for it fiscally, planning or emotionally?” America stands strong, tells the invaders to get bent, and kicks them out. Preferably in a humiliating manner. 

Alternatively, summon General Sherman and have him March Along The Sea from Seattle to San Diego. 

Civil war and sectarian slaughter?

Or we could impose internal border controls and make the Californians colonizing America apply for visas. Ensure they’re not diseased, won’t be a public charge, aren’t criminals, and that they’ll be an appropriate cultural fit.

Like everything it touches, the Blue Church ruins everything. Detroit, Baltimore, San Fransh*tsco, homeless encampments of LA, etc. The embrace of identity politics, lawlessness, mob rule, and do-as-I-say-not-as-I-do diktats issued by a Blue Church political monopoly will drive productive Americans out. CA has become

Why’d you get rid of it? My buddy had a Voodoo catch fire due to the oil filter issue on the main straight at NCCAR. Hilarious after the fact but scary as hell if you’re in the car. 

Uh? Have you even driven one of these? First, there is no power steering fluid, they have EPAS. So that doesn’t overheat. Next, GM fixed the overheating issues in roughly the 2017 timeframe. You might want to look into it. Fitted with track tires like the Hoosier R7 and a set of robust wheels that can take repeated

Equal rights, equal lefts. These women should accept the consequences of their actions. Why are you trying to weaponize empathy and play on people’s emotions? Shouldn’t these grown ass women be able to do the time just the same as a man, you know, now that we’re equal?

BLM’s hypocrisy, racism, and double standards are too obvious to ignore.

Thanks to feminism and the left shaming men for existing fucking isn’t really all that great anymore. I’d much rather have use of a truck for a year. I’d get something of use done and feel proud of myself. Couldn’t say the same for the other use case. 

Let’s start with Al Sharpton, Jussie Smollet, Louis F, and Barack O. 

Jessie Jackson, Al Sharpton, Louis F, Jussie Smollet, Barack Obama, yea let’s keep going. Let’s play that race card and keep playing it. 

Exactly! If someone has an (R) after their name it means racism. And you maroons wonder why you bigots lost the last election. I wish I didn’t have to share a country with you. 

Jussie Smollett?

“Press” ne, Blue Church propagandists providing cover for their shock troops.