Lennon Tulsa

It isn’t who I am either, because I clearly am not a 20-something white girl with the emotional maturity of four year old.

It isn’t who I am either.

Italian. And from Simi Valley, home of the Ronald Reagan Library. This girl probably considers herself a marginalized minority because she’s not a blond.

I said in the last thread when I saw her unmasked it’s only a matter of time for her to play the “as a woman of color (but not Black)” card.

It isn’t who I am either.

“And of course, Ponsetto would like the world to know that she isn’t the monster the video clearly shows her being.“

Yep, it doesn’t fit GLH’s M.O. at all. It’s something an adolescent would write. But the thefts at the camp is something that Hart would be amiable to especially the theft of women’s eye glasses. Hart was on the lamb and was seen multiple times in and around the area prior to the murders. Hell, his mother’s home was

God, some things still amaze me after all this time. I recognize your right to free speech, but come on. This is not a spec script for a TV show. This is real life and those girls were tortured, sexually assaulted, and brutally murdered. Please go to Reddit or elsewhere if you want to speculate about a ‘possible show’