Lennon Tulsa

News flash! There has been a new book that was just released in Dec 2022. It is called “Shattered Justice: The Oklahoma Girl Scout Murders” by J.D. Morrison. It is a semi-biography of former Mays county Sherriff Pete Weaver’s attempts to present evidence that he discovered after further investigating the murders at Cam

Yep, it doesn’t fit GLH’s M.O. at all. It’s something an adolescent would write. But the thefts at the camp is something that Hart would be amiable to especially the theft of women’s eye glasses. Hart was on the lamb and was seen multiple times in and around the area prior to the murders. Hell, his mother’s home was

Now playing

I was also a Cub Scout and Boy Scout. I also grew up in Oklahoma. I don’t know your background, but I can tell you two miles is not far, even in the woods. Especially woods that are familiar to you. What most people don’t know is both Boys and Girls would play pranks on each other (streaking through each other’s

God, some things still amaze me after all this time. I recognize your right to free speech, but come on. This is not a spec script for a TV show. This is real life and those girls were tortured, sexually assaulted, and brutally murdered. Please go to Reddit or elsewhere if you want to speculate about a ‘possible show’

I am sorry, I cannot let this slide.

And the hits keep on coming!

If you were a Boy Scout in Oklahoma in the 1970s then you would know the terrain of Camp Garland and Scott. It was ‘normal’ for both of the camp’s scouts to raid each other’s camps. Pulling tent poles, deficating on equipment, “mooning” each other from afar, while both groups were swimming in the creeks. Some of the

THIS ISN’T FICTION! Some of the parents of the victims are still alive and may read this. Have some compassion. I was friends with one of the victims. The last time we talked was two days before her murder.

Thank you for this. “DD” [Denise] was my friend.

I’d love to see a WKRP renunion. Yeah, I’m old.

Wait, didn’t Charles Manson have the same idea? Or was it Jim Jones?

Tell that to a child in South East Asia,or a First Peoples child on the ‘rez’ in North America or a Black child in the Deep South or the Urban North or a child in the Pacific. Sorry, but ‘we’ humanity can’t wait a millennium, for ‘good intentions’.

Looks great. Still, I would be happy NOT to see T. Allen or J. Walker commenting. But in my heart, I know Mr. Pryor wouldn’t mind, he would be grateful. So shall I...

Unforetunely, its become a generational one to.

There were many “black millennials” there. They just didn’t get the exposure, well unless they were Super Model(s). Many were young, hard-working and educated professionals. I know a few who went to Fyre seek funding for professional [social] projects from wealthy patrons. But back to the point, Ja “I CON” Rule has

My question is, Does anyone think Liam is ‘still’ racist? Well, if I sat across from him on a plane, I’d see him differently. A whole lot differently, HELL YEAH, I would debate (in my head) whether to engage or “enLIGHTen” him. Or would I give him a ‘pass’?

Let’s be clear, the US Government killed millions of Indigenous/First Peoples through starvation, re-education, bio-warfare, rape, mass executions, and slavery. To this day the “Rez” [reservations], by every account, by every conceivable definition, are concentration camps.

Now he’s replacing Costas? How long will Al Roker keep his tongue?