Charles Hamm

Just to throw it out there, “Gaear Grimsrud” is another burner of a longtime troll “named” Charlie Meadows, who has devoted at least part of his adulthood to trolling and general dipshittery. Whether he legitimately holds dumbfuck views about “freedom of speech,” or he’s just pretending to, it’s achingly pathetic

No one asked for “no one asked for the ‘no one asked for this’ meme”!

The A.V. Club has reached out to Amazon for comment.

No one asked for the “no one asked for this” meme, and yet here we are. :D

The only thing I care about is avatar. No. Not the movie. Give me back my effin’ avatar!

Why can’t he just quietly defraud the children of Mississippi like a normal quarterback?

You must be a blast at parties.

Probably the best bits SNL does these days. 

I miss the golden age of A.V. Club when comments like these were commonplace.

This quiz show is truly excellent. Very fast moving. The Jeopardy! show need a high standard of contestant and it is surprising just how intelligent all the competitors appear to be. Sadly this show would not work in Britain because there are not enough very smart but ordinary people here to make it a success. –

I thought his arc was about how he changes a small town for the better and, shockingly, the small town changes him, too.

Jeez people are getting puritanical about drinking. They're adults. Let them do a bit of damage to their bodies if they enjoy it.

And I remember being slightly put off, which I usually am about doing anything, because I had to go find this studio in the middle of Tucson. I believe it coincided with me visiting my parents, and I needed to get it done. I knew very little about the show.

I was hoping it wouldn’t end. Maybe people don’t like it anymore? I don’t know.”


The ‘90s were all about attempts to rehab these ghouls for a young, hip audience. Remember when they were floating another presidential run for Nixon before he kicked off? Somehow this was all MTV’s fault for trying to make mainstream American politics cool rather than the horrific hellscape it had been the entire

Aye, George in young Sheldon is a great dad and person and deserves better.

I think The Big Bang Theory was just as good as Community. No really, I.....where’d you get all those paintball guns?

Scream 6 was for me the worst of the franchise.  Absolutely terrible from start to finish. 

You may see this addressed as quickly as the second paragraph of the intro.