Charles Hamm

I love comedy that pushes boundaries. I am a (mostly) unashamed fan of shows like Family Guy. I have Cerebral Palsy, and they have made some jokes about that and similar disabilities that I have gotten a good laugh out of. It is very hard to offend me.

[angry grunt]

[offended grunt]

[monocle-popping grunt]

[embarrassed grunt]

[thoughtful grunt]

[hyperactive grunting]

I’m all for making fun of the guy online, but I’m not sure that I agree that buying followers deserves any consequences beyond being laughed at. Am I missing something here?

Nii-ugh. Hold on, Niiiiiaaaah. Nnnnnniiiiiiahhhh.

Go fuck yourself.

You know damn well Britt Mchenry is secretly plotting to take over for Megyn Kelly. There are levels to Beckydom. Tomeh Lameren is at the first level. No real job but everywhere and making White people money for being mediocre. Britt Mchenry has those added years but not that cushy anchor job yet. I had to Google to

Jumanji: Mr. Brownstone...directed by Darren Aronofsky

What a bold, progressive stance for the team to be taking in 1975.

This man can only be a creation of Tennessee Williams.

I wondered why AVC was taking so long to do a newswire on Smith’s death. Now I know, and it’s amazing what O’Neal whipped up on short notice.  A worthy tribute.  RIP Mr. Smith.

The Girl Next Door was truly, uncomfortably hard to read, especially when you know it was based on real cases. (This is meant as a compliment, to be clear.)

Discussing the extreme hyper masculinity of football in a negative light is a topic that needs to be brought up more often.

Way to disrespect my “thoughts and prayers” /s

“Yeah, I ran into a pole at high speed and bounced my head off a train, but it’s probably not me in the video. I mean, how many Eagles fans does that eliminate, really?”

...they’re like, “Dude, is this you?” And I’m like, “It’s probably not, I don’t know what you’re talking about.”