Charles Hamm

At least Vince sold his stunner. This is not the kind of weak shit I want from my politicians:

He did say it was better than his wedding night.

“Doused”. Unless you were watching a very different video than I was.

In a REAL AMURICAN sport an ‘independent’ neurologist would take him into the tent, call him a pussy, hit him with a toradol shot, and tell him to get back in the fucking game.

That’s at least 53% pedantic as fuck.

There were a few scenes in Good Will Hunting where he said some smart things. Did you catch his hot take about Howard Zinn? It was wicked smaht.

And guess who helped write the jokey copy for the pop-up asking you to turn off your ad blocker on this very site? That was me. Don’t turn that shit back on. We need the money to replace Marchman.

And guess who helped write the jokey copy for the pop-up asking you to turn off your ad blocker on this very site?

But the band that takes that name will be featured here at year’s end.

Don’t sleep with republicans.

I want to go gawk at their house, and if they come out and ask what I’m doing I’d say “You just don’t see gravel roads like this anymore, very quaint”. Because I’m drunk right now and think that’s hilarious

And they’ll have a mid-December court date in a small, half capacity venue.

Kirk would have a large coaches meeting at his house after gamedays

I’ll bet the jury in this case will be deadlocked at 6-6.

Here’s my preemptive response to this story:

“Ugh, Reprecht and/or KeyserRoll.”

Somebody needs to suppress the Mercers. The Koch Brothers have,if not an excuse, an explanation for their behavior:

If Chelsea Clinton was presently working in a Bill Clinton administration, then quite possibly.

That question could also have ended after the first four words

Nude scenes in art films are comparable to C’mon....

If he did do some of those things he’s clearly horrible, but “my wages to do a nude scene weren’t as high as I would like” is a really lukewarm inclusion in this.