Charles Hamm

Yes. It’s repulsive to me that loathsome Dean Spanos ‘owns’ the Chargers and can do what he pleases with them. He doesn’t own my memories of Dan Fouts, Kellen Winslow, Chuck Muncie, Gary ‘Big Hands’ Johnson, J.J., of the Epic in Miami, of the Freezer Bowl in Cincinnati. I didn’t need that big of a last straw to break

Harrison refused to participate in meetings, but will still get a trophy.

“Sorry, Mr. Costello, I have to interrupt this interview in order to mention a lot of arcane Comic Strip trivia or else one dude on the internet is going to be PISSED.”

Awesome: in a last-second bid to up 2017’s descent level of shittiness, I get my very own troll.

Never trust anyone who won’t even drop $4 a month for a wordpress personal account that allows a custom domain name.

Hey, Roy, you know who else can beat a polygraph? Sociopaths.

Probably has an Alabama education.

Allow me to outn*gga everyone here:

Kool-Aid is the greatest shit on Earth next to Tang (and only if you know how to make that shit right). Anyone who says otherwise ain’t never had grape drink with a free school lunch and felt like the world was their’s, so fuck those people.

On July 11, 2016, someone called 911 on Mann. He had been acting erratically, doing karate moves in the air,

Can something be too stupid to be racist? You are making a valiant effort to find out.

“But Cali! We shouldn’t hold White people accountable for their bad behavior!!! They have economic anxiety and other imaginary problems!”

This story made me so mad I actually did minor level internet stalking to discover this stupid prick’s name and found his mom’s FB page. SURPRISE! She’s got posts bitching about anyone not standing for the anthem or pledge of allegiance, and being very pro-deportation of “illegals”. So yeah, alerting the parents to

Agreed. Hell, the police were probably sharing pics of the majestic swastika on their FB pages.

These are the whites who won’t hesitate to call the police on a black boy walking through the neighborhood while minding his own business. But a white boy MOWS the nazi symbol on a public lawn and they are all.. well, let’s just tell his parent so he can get a stern talking to!

This joke was funny when someone made it on the post when he was released.

I’m conflicted because on one hand, fuck New England. But on the other hand, fuck Pittsburgh.

Ahhh yes the old “We find this behavior unacceptable and not in character for our (department, school, company) but we’re not going to hold anyone responsible” white person response.

The jokes have been made, and they are very funny, you guys. So I just came here to say:

“How many students said I exposed myself?” said Sharkey.