Charles Bronsons Mom

Sorry to post a comment relevant to the article but…

If Mr H.D. Stanton wanted someone dead, the word "attempted" would not be involved.

I really don't.

Taylor, honey? I keep telling you your password is "password".

….I don't know…nobody ever…


She is.

"Might I suggest a vintage Brass Monkey to accompany your meal, sir?"

For the price of a Big Mac you can!

"Bonnie? Sweetheart, could you move a bit to the left? You're blocking the eclipse. Thanks!"

Go to any Starbucks in LA. Tell everyone with an open laptop you want to see a treatment for an original Bond feature film in a week.

Totally agree. I give zero fucks about casting. Just hire someone to write it who knows how to tell a story. This franchise is being choked to death by a committee of illiterate hacks. John Gardner wrote some decent novels. Maybe somebody connected to the production could steal some ideas from them?

No. He's a cartoon. Sorry.

Exactly how do you use your weasels?

Hey, I think I have a dollar around her someplace! Maybe in the couch cushions! Got it! Does that mean I can…oh crap. I totally missed the point of all this, didn't I?

Aw, daddy don't be like that. Come back to bed.


To what are you referring?

I'm thinking he's making a distinction between being an official "Not Ready for Prime-time Player" and someone who has been a performer on SNL.

From NYT article: "Tonight I was treated to a festival of light, heart and love all captured by a rising star of the theatre. Mr Fastandsloppy is only in the 7th grade but already has the depth and empathy of a young Tennessee Williams, only more vital and much more relevant to the youth of today. While some, less