Charles Bronsons Mom

"I'm here to kick ass and learn European History."

Damn you, El Santo! I just stopped puking and then….awallfffgh…then you had to say…rawwwlllffhh…damn you!

Johnny Mnemonic was like doing karaoke with friends.

Hey, nice pic! Caught him right in mid-sneeze!

[raises hand, but sees nobody else, so pretends to scratch head]

Yeah, I'll miss the endless riffs on suicidal depression and shitting your pants.

Sir Loin McHammermeat!

Correct, our TVs own us.

A bit rusted now.

Those were WRISTbands? Jeez, no wonder I kept getting headaches.

Springsteen singing "Poor Jud is Daid"? I'm in.

Sure, there's a bunch in that box over there. You like Todd Rundgren? How about Sabbath? You can buy the whole box for $10. How about $8? There's some classics in there. Fleetwood…sure, no problem. You coming back later? Okay, thanks anyway. Have a nice day!

You know, that actually sounds like a fun time. Or not. Whatever you guys want is okay by me.

Yes…yes…it all makes sense now. Do you see it? Do you see the connections?

It's cool. Louis XVI did the same thing.

"Fire away guys, this should be fun."

"Is this Jon Snow?"
"…I don't know…"

"So Mrs Mary Johnson, I understand you are upset because you didn't get everything you ever wanted. But perhaps I should call you by your real name…"

Text him. He really wants to show you.

Even in minimum security, he'll be the block bitch.