Charles Bronsons Mom

There’s an NRAtv channel? Really? What the fuck do they do on it? Cackle manically while they spank politicians and count money?

Well, are you sure? Have you asked everyone in the world? Hmm? Okay, then.

People with nothing to say obsess with how others say it.

I’m thinking since this guy feeds on our hatred we could starve him to death with indifference. How about we all agree to just ignore him?

They hired a writer this time? Nice!

Nobody is thinking of Ghost Dad. Ever.

That’s excellent news! Much better they work on that instead of screw it. I’m tired of being mad at Microsoft! LOVE YOU GUYS!

They hire bimbos and himbos with double-digit IQs then act surprised when they say something stupid. Amazing.

It’s okay. We love you.

I’m TrashBagMan!

Danny Rand: “I am the Iron Fist. Watch. Okay, give me a second. I need’s my chi. It’s not you. Really, you’re great. I’m just kind of tired. Hold on, there we go. Sorry, lost it. Maybe if I take a shower. Can you hang out for awhile?”

True, the name “Jared” has become synonymous with creepy.  

The rain running down my back feels like hot piss. I can still smell the fish market, hear the shrill cries of the sushi vendors and my eyes sting from all the neon.



It takes it's money and goes home. Why?

It takes it's money and goes home. Why?

Loved him on Breaking Bad.

I was okay with The Defenders, but come on. Ripley wouldn't slouch like that. Stand up, Sigourney! Put them shoulders back, girl!

Umm…okay…here goes…