NFG- No fuckin good.
NFG- No fuckin good.
I second this one i still write it on old race car tires
lulz for everyone
Going to go with Maserati on this one. Leave it to the Italians to make a drop dead sexy car and then go ahead and throw a Formula One motor in it. What a car and I will just leave this here.
My dad still has a Swiss Army knife with the Mercedes logo on it while doing a pre delievery inspection on a new Benz.
So now the Mustang and the F-150 might as well be the same thing!
bravo good sir
Rick PArry, with an A for America
she approves
Well Id rather have this one
I fully support this. My first night of college my dorm hall all got together and watched this movie.
Subaru SVX, I didn't even know what it was the first time I saw it.
I actually really want one of these
Yeah old Chevy pickups had dual 20 gallon tanks for a total of 40 gallons of gas on the outside of the frame. That must of been exciting
Dont forget the huge gas tank right behind your seat!
Man that was a nice set of white walls
I agree with that, #cotd
I second this one