Charity Froggenhall

I had such a crush on Matthew Laborteaux at the time. He was super cute.

I find David Hyde Pierce as Frank Prady so friggin attractive. And yes, I am aware the actor is gay. But he's just… gah! I don't know!

So proud of Alicia for laying that smacker on Johnny. He is a sexy-ass mofo and I would have done it in a heartbeat.

I thought the 3rd was a lot of fun. Otherwise I agree wholeheartedly with your assessments of 1 and 2.

Her shoulder and arm development are truly impressive. Give her credit where it's due. She's been working out like crazy. Hard as hell for women to put on upper body muscle.

Aw damn. I was hoping this would be good. I remember this story in the newspapers as a kid.

Oh, of course, you're right. Silly of me.

Whoever is coloring Alan Cumming's hair, you're doing it too dark. Dial it back.

He did an extremely short-lived quirky detective show for NBC called RAINES, where he was a homicide detective who fantasized talking the case out with the spirit of the victim. I'm fond of it.

That was a particularly fine episode. NPH was so good.

Corey Stoll could take me behind the middle school any day. As long as he wasn't wearing that wig.

Helo is beautiful, but Chief is so sexy in his own way.

No. Just no.

I just watched THE BROOD again the other night (cable was having a mini-Cronenberg marathon), and it's a better film than SCANNERS. SCANNERS has some good ideas, but it's underdeveloped, and I agree the lead actor is not someone to hang the movie on. Ironside is terrific.

Doesn't matter. Lucy Lawless makes everything better.

Can confirm Bernie is fucking great.

And has both her ears!!!

I find this perfectly reasonable.

Naveen Andrews is a beautiful man, and I would watch him read the phone book. Preferably in either his Sayyid or posh accent, because as lovely as he is, his natural accent is just atrocious.

Me too. "She's just kidding, right?"