Charity Froggenhall

Yeah, was he boinking Rachel at this point yet?

The only time I ever hear about hitmen (hitpersons) is when someone gets arrested for trying to hire a hitperson, but the hitperson turns out to be a cop. Which makes me think real hitpersons are harder to contact than one might think.

So where does the family stand on Santa Claus? I thought for sure that and the Easter Bunny would be touched on.

I didn't have high hopes for this, but once I watched it, I thought it was one of the funniest things I'd ever seen. Every word out of Rebel Wilson is a treasure.

I agree with ThatOtherChick. Domesticity doesn't strike me as Donna's strong suit.

I thought this episode was so FUN. I love Happy Oliver. I love Donna, who is a ditz but fiercely loves and is proud of Felicity. I love Oliver & Digg having a drink together and talking about girl problems like buds. I looooove Ray. I will follow him anywhere. This season is just more fun than last year, and I love it.

His character is just the best dad. My heart.

Patrick Wilson is a beautiful man. That is all.

The problem with Danny as written is the same problem with all the child characters in King's books: they're just way too articulate than any real child of that age. So in the Kubrick version, you have an actual 5-year-old Danny, speaking and acting like a real child of that age, and in the miniseries you have

I hope somebody can write a book about it someday. I'm sure it'd be absolutely riveting.

I just reread Red Dragon this weekend. Harris is a great plotter, but not at all good with dialogue.

The wig is dead. Long live the head!

The things I do to watch Corey Stoll…

You really need to watch Penny Dreadful.

Little from column A, little from column B? L'chaim!

Oh Will. You beautiful broken thing.

Official Secrets Act. It can't be disclosed.

I've wanted to do that all day since I read the news.

Steven Pasquale is so friggin hot.

That was striking, wasn't it? Creepy.