Charity Froggenhall

"God sent me" gives me chills.

I would have given "Queen of Spain" an A-, just for Jim Broadbent. My God, he makes me laugh till I almost pee in this.

They don't spend as much time on the family's Catholicism, but I'm sure that looms heavy in Vanessa's mind as well.

Aw, finally Donnie & Alison have something in common…

Because it is a handsome, handsome face.

From scratch.

God, I hope so. David Meunier's cheekbones and blue eyes drive me crazy, even if Johnny is just a small-time asshole.

I forget sometimes that he has a small role in The Remains of the Day as the nephew of the lord of the manor, and he was excellent.

This movie is totally irresistible. Hugh doing his best "gosh, dash it all." Peter Capaldi being adorable and extra Scottish. Amanda Donohoe, just regal. Wall to wall fabulous British characters actors. I just love it.

That was a hilariously crap movie. I don't know how this will work as a show though.

What about 2 per week, like the Babylon 5 writeups?

Truth. He was definitely the best thing about the show, and when you can say that about a Kevin Spacey vehicle, that's saying something. A long and happy career to him.

I learned pretty early on to stop comparing the UK and US shows. They really are very different animals.

Agreed, and agreed. The third book couldn't possibly have been as good, but the first 2 were excellent.

He was definitely the best thing about that show.


I find Branagh ridiculously attractive as Wallander, more so than when he was the young wunderkind. The gray hair and stubble just do it for me.

I find Branagh ridiculously attractive as Wallander, more so than when he was the young wunderkind. The gray hair and stubble just do it for me.

TV Club Classic for House of Cards, anyone?

TV Club Classic for House of Cards, anyone?