
1.5C temperature CHANGE to is 2.7F, and 3.2C is 5.8F.

Hey! I have complete confidence in my ability to crash my car into a tree.

The only thing laws against jumping cars does is prevent GOOD people from jumping their cars 

This is just another sad story of cops trying to profit off of innocent drivers that are fully-capable of jumping their cars and should not be hassled by “the man”. The fact that he crashed has nothing to do with this. Everyone makes mistakes.

More track jump days?

Obviously it was a mistake, but I really hope that guy has a photograph of the hight he flew. Say what you want, but for a brief moment that man did something so awesome, so bold, so American, he should be proud.

It’s an orange car breaking traffic laws.  The driver is clearly Tom Mulcair

This is a good comment.

The arresting officer..

because it’s canada I picture these guys as the suspects, minus bubbles of course who got left at home

If you don’t create spaces for people to legally jump their cars, they will illegally jump them on the street.

Came here for the Dukes reference and was not disappointed!

Now playing

Wrong car. Wrong terrain. Wrong wrong wrong.

Just some good old boys, never meaning no harm...

I’ve enjoyed your posts (really your commentary rather than the pics themselves - I have internet and all that) for the last couple years and want to say thank you for the good humor you have brought.

I really am sorry about that.  Congratulations on winning COTD! 

Do any of you actually know Patrick Dempsey, or someone close to him, well enough to get him to take $kay out to lunch for her nearly decade long service? If we could arrange that he pull up in a Ford GT, that’d be great.

What I’ll miss most of all, apart from the clever descriptions you came up with (and interesting vehicle / lady combinations), and the banter they engendered, will be the newbies assuming it’s a dude posting them. But as long as you’re still participating in the occasional pun meltdown and on the site generally, I for

Missing a few facts key for the discussion: