
I drive an old bimmer and can confirm they’re totally useless

I have an e36 so it’s for sure there for me, but idk if anything older has that goood placement

Hey man nice profile pic

The kids in Nigeria made me do a double take... I read it “kids in Niagra” and thought something was a little off there

Well since Canadian money is virtually the same as Monopoly money, I’d be down fo shizzle

I think you meant to say mpg and not mph in the first paragraph, but 25 mph is pretty fast i guess...

Hey man nice profile pic

hey man as long as it sounded good, no harm no foul

Who cares about a lil bit of carbon monoxide in the cabin, right?

Just wanted to make sure you guys had your priorities straight!

So (theoretically speaking) what car would convince you to let your daughter ride with that hooligan?