
Since the E-Type is my favourite car of all time I have to strongly disagree with you about it being ugly. That said I do agree it looks like something from a Dr. Seuss book haha

God damn, that’s one sexy looking E-type. I wish they all looked like that.

I'm going to have to disagree with Enzo on "the most beautiful car ever made" XKE. It looks like it belongs in a Dr. Seuss book. It has beautiful components but together it doesn't work.

Lexus IS looks good maaaybe with some beer goggles. But over time that gaping maw gets to you. The shapes just don’t agree.

I have a theory that there has never once been an off-road video posted on the Internet where someone doesn’t comment on how easy it is and how they could do it in a far simpler, more basic vehicle. (Seriously — go check the comments section in off-roading YouTube videos.)

What are you doing for the rest of my life......

M35A2 - Deuce and a half. While it was nice knowing I could see over the Soccer Moms in their H3s, the clutch was a nightmare. I took it to the Woodward Dream Cruise twice. Just thinking about it makes my left quad go numb.

Whoa whoa whoa-wait one minute-have you ever been to Lime Rock? I’ve been to tracks where I have parked farther away from the track than to where this church is. And this is a track that was built in the middle of a small village-not the outskirts of a city. The “no racing on Sunday” was done voluntarily from day one.

Because this is the age of the internet, where everyone gets their panties in a twist over the tiniest things... For example, right now I am FUMING so hard steam is coming out of my ears, that the neighbors of LRP would stoop so low as to accuse spectators for being “drug traffickers” that I hate the town and want to

We just got Palmer up here in the bay state and you could get 5 acres directly next to that track for $45k.

Property values. These people most likely won’t be able to sell and move to Florida to die, just to be brought back and buried across the street. Everybody is entitled to sell their home for more than they paid and make a profit.

Skip spoke at length on this during a meeting I was in on Saturday with one of the track’s volunteer groups. It’s sad shit...but it seems like they’ll be able to keep things going mostly the way they have been,albeit after a hard and over-exaggerated legal fight. A lot of this is people wanting hand-outs, and thinking

Just sent my email, feel free to borrow liberally from it if you wish:

I would pay A LOT to get a house right next to Lime Rock lol

I live in ct. Fuck the puritan new England bull. Skip should do what other ct business do. Close it down and move it one town over to a place that is more accepting. Then let Salisbury deal with the traffic and none of the recenue. Unfortunately, Salisbury, as with many towns in that area is largely populated by new

From Foxtrot Alpha with love.