The Compromiser

I can nearly see my house from work. I still go everyday. I couldn’t get anything done at home. 2 hours with the laptop at home, or 20 minutes at work with the same device and a setup to accommodate working. I am old, i know, but getting my ass to work and working at work (when not Jalopniking) is a mindset that I

I saw a man walking through Costco one day wearing a Brazzers T- Shirt. My wife could not figure out what I was chuckling at. I lied. I didn’t see his SO anywhere either. No doubt in the Frozen foods section or some such, I am sure.

You look like you are “farting” like a BAMF in that AMG....

You mean Joe? He’s not as good as his Oldman, Paul Trudeau.

No AR-15? WTH?

This is a trend then... I just wondered the same thing about a week ago.

I will be double checking now, but our 2016 Durango DOES turn the DRL Strip off when signalling.

I remember coming back once from the Detroit area and I kept seeing these awesome looking Ferrari Rooflines over the Median barrier. I couldn’t figure out what they were. I finally got a good look at one and realized it was the New (and not yet for sale) Corvette.

No Exiting Picture Mr. Clavey? Sitting Is NOT Exiting.

Engineer Maurizio Reggiani told me that “With a double clutch, there is no interruption of torque, but it’s not really emotional. This way, you have more emotion, more feeling of the gear, more feeling of power.”

“ What Me KACHOW???”

Sideways on a highway in a blizzard, creeping up to a un-lit train crossing (and there was a train going through) in another blizzard. Driving with a stuffed moose on the dash sill from Manitoba to SW ontario (Canada) with a bus full of mennonites in a blizzard, while wearing a WW1 era leather flying helmet. Thats


As someone who is frequently in transmission plants and makes parts that occasionally get dipped in that shit: Ewwww.

I saw this and held back. My father was a bus driver for 50 years. I went a lot of places with him in my youth. I’ve seen things, man.....

4th gear:

I found out she has a son...

Joey, don’t talk. Listen and be sympathetic. But only when alone. The rest of the time be a huge douchebag. flash money and be generally shitty. Chicks did that.