The Compromiser

The part I hate is that they keep waking me up.

Yes it would be neat, but this is an Oppo call out that means “pics or it didn’t happen”

I personally went through a drive through sitting on the folded up convertable top of a Pontiac Sunbird once. This was BCP (Before Cell Phone) so no SR20. We queen waved and everything.

Need to up your game a bit i think ;)

Had one. Can confirm. Very depressing.

Give in.

I got the boss a Limited with the 3.6. Coolness is still there. I beat myself up for not opting into the 5.7 though. and I just sent a pic of the SRT to her... I can bee cool dad by proxy right???

Be realistic. 60/40 Split.

I see one most days in the summer. Neighbor has an 09. I drool Everytiem.

Monte Carlo....

Single seat? Suitable for a demon? Say no more....

But Why is it trying to go swimming??

Thank you. I am a bit of a “Ruin Porn” Post everything lover. One of my favourite pictures is a ferrari trimming the inside of a corner like a lawnmower.

2576 Pounds? They claimed to be shedding weight, so this would fall into that equation. 35 Years? The base chassis is old...

Most modern cars are using a computer actuated engagement system that wont shift over a certain speed, into any stupid gear choices. Most of them that I have dealt with are designed to not go into park for example, if you are over a certain speed (4-8 miles an hour). This is frequently referred to as the delivery

What about races where there is a full moon? Is there an increase in points for winning as a werewolf? Is this a Werewolfphobic racing series?? Is it run by vampires?

I used to call my mother, Murray, after her younger brother. Then Murr. Then Murmle. It stayed at Murmle for a long time. the last time she was ever coherent enough to hear my voice, I called her Murmle.

I found a perfect Han Solo in the torture rack. Mint. Bought my son a different figure for his collection. He was sitting in the back seat and was and lower to open his. He decides to start tearing mine open for dad to play with. I still have it. In the packaging. Most of the packaging anyway. ..

“Hail HYDRA”

You know something? If the rider had an area to go around or between the cars if they were under a certain speed, he may have come out better in this.