The Compromiser

Yes, and as we all know, every week of the season, CFL squads lose half their rosters to IR due to those damnable goalposts - or, as the locals call them, “the widowmakers.”

It’s one of the few documentaries to capture the Scottish diaspora among Spain’s immortal population.

Gonna guess you don’t have kids, so let me break it down

You doing okay today, bud? You’re usually way more pleasant than this

Bullshit. I’ve had better roadrash from fucking on carpet.

Well, a 10yo and the typical buyer are about the same number of years from wearing diapers.

I assume the Jeep is worth less than your actual deductible...


I hear ya.  People ask if my house is old, and I say “nah, build in the early ‘90s!”.  Then I realize it’s 26 years old and I should probably start saving for a new roof.

Jeebus this makes me feel old. One of my favorite writers here was in junior high while I was walking out the door to Afghanistan. I always figured the people I wanted to be like were at least as old as I am.

Looks better than the new Silverado.

Looks better than the new Silverado.

Unsinkable at any speed

I did this once, and 18 months later, boom! Dead battery. Never again.

that’s a special kind of monkey that can fly, the rare hot air baboon.

How does that old ‘80s song go? 99 Red Baboons, floating in the summer sky...

9/10 baboons agree that a red bottom is better.

Baboons say it just look better to have a red bottom 

$80k 1.3 C8s for an Expedition?

Since we seem to be in agreement that this is Jesse's kid....