I am not actually a Citizen or resident of the USA, but LOL. I particularly like that you don’t indicate if you are a good or bad, idea man. Based on your headwear selections however,I could guess..
I am not actually a Citizen or resident of the USA, but LOL. I particularly like that you don’t indicate if you are a good or bad, idea man. Based on your headwear selections however,I could guess..
Ford To Trump: You underestimate the Power of the Force. The Power of your Space Station Platform is nothing when compared to the Power of the Force Free Market Capitalism and entrenched corporation.
themanwiththesauce, not many people are happy about Loyal Jalopnik commenters commenting on commenting about commenting but please keep your personal views out of the comments. We come here to escape the real world and talk shit about Michael Ballaban.
Yes. It made a great band name. It did not make a great band however.
Is there a reason for the book on the lead up to the War of Northern Aggression? or was it the biggest book you could find to kill the rain delay?
Rally Duck FTW!!
My understanding from the Propaganda is that any stop longer than 30 seconds wastes more fuel than the start up losses do. I have A vehicle with the start-stop and my wife hates it and turns it off every time she can. I am strongly in the ‘Meh’ Camp. My concern is the wear and tear on the starter motor, etc. They beef…
How you gonna get that engine in though, and have Doug survive? I agree he would be better with a Turbo and AWD, but come on!
2nd Gear: We have been told that it may still be out today. The ordering system for suppliers is out as well.
In my small Canadian city, I too Have seen more than one. One is actually around the corner from me. Maybe its a capita thing, like Tim Horton’s.
I had to yell at a truck driver to stop one day because the “shitty tarped Pickup” he was about to run into was the Lincoln Blackwood prototype.
I read this as ; not only are we (Jalops) winning, we are also managing to get laid in spite of said Jalopness
There are two colours Claret, and dark camel that could be it. I’m leaning towards claret.
I would say you are wrong, but you may be right. I will have to look at it again. He works in a grocery near by.
Up here it is “C, Eh, Eh?” eh?
Yes, he headed M, and now he heads N.