“Why leave the storm Path when you can buy a used emergency lifeboat from BP for the price of a plane ticket out of Florida?”
We were looking at a 2nd gen Fusion without Sync and during the test drive my SO turned to me and asked how to turn the radio down and adjust the AC... I looked at the panel of modernized NASA Launch Control and bought something else.
And the Keebler elves are going to pay for it!
Freshly Squeezed Solid Sn.. OJ
Naw, Concentrated.
Or is he?????
Is that rob ford near the top in the middle????
Well, my wife and I are arguing over the next car I buy to replace mine (she just got a new Durango for to haul the kidlets).
I had a co-worker’s husband buy an SRT8 Challenger when they first came out. He hid it in the garage. She had already found the paperwork and brochure in his truck’s glove box, but didn’t tell him she knew.
And oddly enough David took this one off roading (ish). And didn’t break anything (that he admits to)
Not to be that guy, but there’s two rs in Larry. And a space between it and Hi.
Canada to Virginia Beach in a 1980 4 door Buick Century. Via Maryland and Delaware. At Christmas. Then we went to Washington D.C. At the beginning of Desert Storm.
They do. It’s called property taxes. You only really own the rights to your land. You don’t own the land.
No worries. It happens to us all
That was answered in a previous article. Yes they put one in for Bob.
You keep it in the garage and driveway , on and under the jeeps.