The Compromiser

“Not when Letty died?”

I only see blue and gold.

Is it better or worse when it wasn’t even intentional?

Calm down, Stef:

I wish they had left the Dart name in history and just called the fucking thing what it was: Neon.

Isn’t your car perfectly reliable and doesn’t it do everything you ask it to?

Only if there is a sexy Panther on the side.

Five What?????

I couldn’t find the commenting system....

This would NEVER happen in Canada.

Yes. Or Crisps if you prefer. Just dont get anything on your Jumper or you may have to pull to the side of the motorway, and get a new singlet out of the boot. This may or may not attract the attention of the Rozzers, Guv.


I saw the same thing. We must have the same tailor. Mine stopped, decided to add a couple of inches but didn’t pin them or chalk them, so I had to buy taler boots to not be the Steve Urkel of the riding community.

mmmm. Warm Harassment and Sexual Snacks.....

Warm Snacks for Clarkson

Chicago Deep Dish Journalism? You don’t get that out of flat greasy NY style journalists! (Yes he isnt in NY but the joke only works based on the HQ.)

So neither is worth anything?

NVM Someone else covered it...

Is there really a difference?