The Compromiser

I thought we called them “New Yorkers”?

What car would you buy the new driver in your family?

and based on his previous two parter... sometime in 2018.

Car Diving Board?

I don’t know but they are likely right behind you!

Moto Ate Aight?

I fail to see one single reference to the NRP conversion in this article about high HORSEPOWER!

Hatz off to you for this.

It’s where the eggs come from silly. Then they go to the island for painting. Either way, stay away from the rabbits....

I actually drove one once. I had a salesman at a Caddy dealership get me to drive it back to his place from the shop we worked at. I thought it was a Cavalier. A really nice one. He stopped talking to me after that.

I just don’t want to embarrass the professionals on the Detroit Tigers.

Nice mustache.

Are you telling me this isn’t a current picture?

Chocolate came through fine. Always does. ;)

I guess diesel engines would be more common in Europe. And jeeps should be retro cool in Europe. Throwback to when there were likely thousands of them in Italy. And France. Or are hipsters an exclusive to NA thing?

I read this as I Applesauce feel warm and fuzzy. Damn you Lexdisya.


The 3 500X s that have diesels are likely not going to cause Sergio to have to wear the same sweater twice. I don’t think the volume is there to cause that much impact.

I couldn’t figure out why the name was so familiar. A person on a vehicle forum I frequent has been complaining about his wait time for a catch can for a while now. Ridiculous reasons given over months of time. This must have been a work in progress for some time.