The Compromiser

What are you, Some Sort of Grammar Comma,ie?

Still giggling at the Shit covered puppies comment. Thanks.

With a 5 point harness, this could be true, however.


No appeal needed. You just need to prove you were within 100 miles of a car show. Like farm plates.

Yes I am 12 as well....

You think that is bad? Schaeffler group has 3 companies within it that they post together for everything. They are LUK, INA, and FAG. We have always had an FAG plant, where I live. Everyone calls it Fisher Bearings. they used to fire anyone who called it by the other name.

I liked it the first time it came out. As the Neon. This is just a natural progression and yes, it is OK. Not great, but it looks good.

Kink in the middle, “T-Bar”, Lower grill? Do something like this to the 3 and we should be OK!

Bag Of Hammers

Farkles. Bikes deal in Farkles. I have no idea what they are, but that is the term I hear most.

“is it broke?”

I don’t have the pictures, but down the street from my office is an old Fiat dealership that was a dealership when they left the first time (from Canada). The inventory is still sitting on the lot, rotting away. rag topped sports cars, Alfas, at least a dozen plus. Tonnes of rusted out, unreliable Italian fun boxes,

I would refer to it as “floppy”

I have to agree with you;everyone go to your room and when you come out, be less......stupid? I got nothing...

Takata making another delivery?


“Ran When Parked”
