In a world where division is the norm and people disagree on just about everything under the sun, the one thing I think can allow us all to stand together in steadfast, unshakeable solidarity is the fact that we all know in our hearts that Green is 100% right.
It was later discovered that he had only bought the organization so that he could hold a “Despite All My Rage I Am Still Just a Rat In a Cage Match”.
Who the F uses their foam roller in dirt?
Who the F uses their foam roller in dirt?
Why doesn’t Kimmel’s SAG insurance cover what they needed?
Dear Midgard-
How can one earn between 20k - 50k even think about having children though? That is barely enough for an individual to survive on.
It’s hard to use your hand to flush while it’s holding a Molson.
Counterpoint: this is terrible advice.
You are an idiot.
This is what zero tolerance gets you. It was easier for schools and police departments to have a “zero tolerance policy” for any kind of violence in schools then to have the professional adults actually put thought into each incident and think what’s best for the teachers and students.
shareef wont like it, but there’s little to no chance that he’ll score over 9000 points over his single season as a wildcat.
But I can’t hang coats and other clothes off these dumbbells like I do with my elliptical machine and my treadmill.
But I can’t hang coats and other clothes off these dumbbells like I do with my elliptical machine and my treadmill.
LOL, you are unhinged. Pop a prozac and chill out for a bit before you hurt yourself.
With Trump they are now known as #MAGATONS
Clearly we should have written another strongly worded letter. Won’t somebody think of the terrorists!
Which law would have prevented this? Kid literally got the gun from a peer like it was a trading card. It’s not like he went down to Walmart and bought it.