
This is a post. Deadspin is a blog.

- Socrates

if I were a sous vider, I’d want weights that look like little cement cinder blocks and a glass container so that the stuff I’m cooking could look like it’s ‘sleeping with the fishes’

I think the implication here is that most people are aware of how corrupt Arianna Huffington is and would rather stab themselves in the eye than read an article about her. Myself, I’m just here to comment surf and mock.

Who cares?

Is it me, or does she look like a melting Celine Dion?

Huffington works?

Perhaps. But Clinton is a hawk who would take a very hardline against Russia and has no compunction about putting boots on the ground (see Iraq War).

Look. Alex. That’s just urinalysis.

THEN WHY THE FUCK ARE YOU REPORTING THIS AS NEWS?! God I can’t wait for none of the mainstream media to have a seat at the table when Trump gets in office.


They didn’t want to make too much of a splash.

This is the payoff on the long con of typewriter inventor Jerry Qwerty.

The tinier the circle, the better? Great map, WalletHub...

Typically as with most coned off road work areas on dual carriageways and motorways, there is nobody there to stop them.

“Capitalism has never existed outside of thought experiments and papers.”

To paraphrase the Duke, Life is hard. It’s harder when you’re unskilled.

Agreed. I can’t stand Trump but I’m not about to be a hypocrite and act like a raving asshole like him if I run into his family.

Yes, as the continuous stream of traffic in the right lane is forced to merge with the left lane to get around.

Knowing most Tesla drivers, they will definitely drive in the left lane at the speed limit.