
I’m a huge vettel fan, but i agree too, the race could’t have been more perfect for him to win. I’m genuinely excited to see this ferrari-mercedes dog fight at more overtaking friendly courses. Ferrari needs to get kimi some more pace, i think this will disadvantage them in the long run if they don’t. The two mercedes

The little passing in this race is more so down to rules and course design, i don’t think Australia is one of the courses where there’s a ton of overtaking. Maybe a future rule eliminating the blue flags could remedy this(at least on courses like this one).

I personally don’t mind the shark fins and T wings, reminds

another thing to note is how much they improved reliability. The Haas’ were quick too, but the reliability of last seasons Ferrari engine showed its ugly head. Torro rosso(kyvat) had a good race too.Perez was good, i think force india is the going to be up there this season for the best of the rest.

well i suppose it was lucky but, hamiliton would have still had to contend with raikkonen too, so verstappen was a plus really. Australia isn’t really an overtaking kind of course so i think Vettel would have still won. Great race from him. Just goes to show how much an improvement this years Ferrari is, especially in

because the Mclaren F1 made most other supercars at that time irrelevant. That’s why you forgot it.

I thought I would be disappointed today, but I’m happy to say I’m not.The miura is amazingly beautiful car.

That said i think i don’t think there is any one definitive supercar(yet?) but for me it goes like this.

Firstly, commonwealth nations do not have the right to live and work in the UK. The only right afforded is travel to the UK without a visa but living and working requires the same process as say, an American.In fact it’s easier to live and work in other european countries. The only reason why commonwealth people

Lord of the rings:the third age had evil mode which was basically this same concept

optional extra:  The A.I spend it’s free time in the garage posting on online forums disparaging other self driving cars for driving like peasant A.Is.”The mercedes” will also maximize the efficiency of the HPDP point collection algorithm for the following day.

not necessarily, having played cricket all throughout secondary school, and being a huge cricket fan.if he’s not a risk taker then would have been wearing a box(a balls guard for those unfamiliar with the term box)which is standard practice along with pads and the helmet.Granted, these things aren’t indestructible but

yea the f50 gt is indeed a pretty car, i prefer it over the regular f50 however, which i think is not as pretty as the f40. Luckily the new j50 inherited all the right things from the f50 + the things you like(no huge wing), hopefully this new(revived) design language trickles on to new Ferrari’s 2017-

this is oddly intriguing, we have both on the eggs the eggs here don’t need to be refrigerated but at my house we do it anyway. We don’t put bread in the fridge, but I do put the jam.I do believe there’s a difference in the jam found here(Barbados) and the US. Our jams tend to get a little runny after opening, which

True but one thing you are forgetting is china, who have extremely good ties with Russia, and is a country that does have the economic capability to go toe to toe with the US. Kinda make trump’s constant poking at them on twitter, and the straining US-China relations detrimental.Not to mention russia under Putin is

But when then what deterrence fails(as it has been slowly doing), and there is nothing to lose,then what?We all just say fuck it, it was nice knowing you? No,So i have to say you are absolutely wrong. military deterrence(whether through nuclear weapons or risk of invasion) is a concept that is destined to fail, and

I think you’re oversimplifying it when you say “make life suck”. Maybe for anyone living in and around the equator and the southern hemisphere, yes. That level of suck is more thanks to de-nuclearization efforts and most modern nukes being low yield(because we’re no longer in a pissing contest to see who’s more deadly

dolphins are surprisingly sadistic animals...I’m not sure the world would be better under dolphin overlords

resistance was futile, among other frictional forces such grip

“I don’t what this is but mark fields say its big turtle. look like a baby f*cking wheel man,holy shit”

You’re right.But something has to be ‘done’.Her issues are directly related to an extremely limited view of things.But because we live in the modern world, her conversation and viewpoints extend and imprint on an increasing number of people.Who then in turn take up her ideals with little to no thought, only because it

now that is one myopic view,just because america and Cuba had strained relationships does not mean that other countries who do have good relationships are fools for the sake of ‘hating america’.My country in particular has had good relations with Cuba, extending to agriculture, health, culture. Infact, it only grew