
..or a radical supporter of the Indian cricket team,fantastic people,best cricketers ever.Teasing aside,i hope the offer of friendly relations is genuine. Trump or otherwise, the world is far too divided.

except only in a unfit president for unfit people kinda way.While there is far too much ignorance in the american electorate.

Usually i’d say something like “I star this completely” , but not today.I want to hug you instead because you are absolutely correct.One warm friendly embrace for your reasoning.It’s not the millions who didn’t vote that shaped this election, it was the ignorance of those who did vote that did .And i am seeing a lot

this is so true! one thing people overlook with technology is that it does what it was designed to do nothing more, nothing less(well until it glitches, or miscalculates, or some other weird stuff).If people would took more interest in solely driving then the same “safer driving” effect would be just as noticeably as

it could, in most parts of the world,but america has such contradictory(for lack of a better word) laws and beliefs.And depending on when, and the context of the conversation.So short answer, yes and no(being more skewed to no).

agreed, removing the 3.5mm jack might be all good for those phones, but, i don’t just have a phone, i have to use other devices as well. And 3.5mm is the best solution for me.So i too will continue using 3.5mm until there is something definitively better.

but is donald smarter that a 6th grader? I’m surprised no one talked about this before, this exact things was in his first public ad ever.I always thought someone mentioned to him you can’t take the resources of another country like that.After it seemingly never brought up again...until now.

Good to see he’s as callous