
Shots fired. Let’s hope the bean counters still keep the lights on at night for whatever development team shares the GT-86 & FT-1 platforms.

I’d rather have hives than a Mondial

Maybe put her in a Martini Porsche and send another F1 driver to LeMans?

The first part of the race was entertaining with Seb getting a better start than Lewis. But, we all knew it wouldn’t be long until Lewis caught and passed Seb.

You have this story all wrong. The R/T was pulled over for not speeding. That’s a clear violation of Dodge Law.

It’s to the point where a black Challenger can’t even drive down the street anymore without being mistaken for some kind of criminal. These are sad times we live in.

The race was boring, but that’s pretty much usual for that track. Just like Bahrain or Valencia.

Quite possibly. North Korea seems much like Europe in medieval times, where you have to kill anyone near you that could have a claim to the throne or they kill you

You actually make a pretty darn good point. If you remember, when Un came to power, he was really friendly to the U.S. and was seeking to exchange nukes for food. Then he went to saber rattling like his dad. A lot of analysts wondered if he was going to face a coup if he did not stop trying to cooperate with the U.S.

I have always said if they could get. real McDonalds, a Pizza Hut, Coca cola/Pepsi, Oreos and 1970’s TV shows there, they’d overthrow their leadership. Everyone thinks I’m kidding but I’m not. I am speaking metaphorically though. That SOB and all his cronies already live like kings.

Holy shit dude that’s hilarious. I can’t stop laughing! Seriously funny! Well done.

I call Bullshit, I did a little hunt around and found the original photo, it was taken when our glorious leader went to Loch Ness

This picture is so damn perfect. I love it.

I think McLaren just needs to slow down and focus on their car