
I have never liked Dover and wish that it was not on the schedule.

And if you believe that, then I would have to either assume you are a Chinese agent or live in a world of delusion. Which one is it?

I agree. BTW, who is she? She seems to have come on board, but I have noticed that her articles have not been up to snuff.

Well said and something I totally agree with. This article is a non-story.

Tyler, you have got to stop posting articles on Iowa class battleships and P51 Mustangs. I have had a love affair since I was a wee lad back in the 1950s. Anyone who has seen one of the Iowas in person or has heard a broadside knows that these ships project power. The thing that makes me smile is that all 4 of

Well played!

You know, that is not entirely accurate. In 1964, yes, it was pretty much British made. But the poor showing caused Ford to move the GT in house so to speak. In 1965, Shelby and later Holman-Moody were tasked with the Mk II. The monocoques, engines and transmissions were all done in the good old U, S of A. And, the Mk

We rejoice only because it will be at LeMans. 2015 is not 1966 or 1967 when Ford went for the overall win rather than a class win. The Ford GT will compete in GTE, not P1, which makes it nice, but we have already had Viper and Corvette competing at LeMans and carrying the banner. C’mon Ford, give us a P1 car worthy of

At what point does the world say, “enough” to Chinese hegemony over the South East Pacific? Given the incredible military development going on within China, they are obviously jockeying to be the Alpha dog around the world. Years ago, I heard a Chinese foreign minister say that the U.S. with its lack of patience for a

Are you suggesting this was done deliberately or is your comment a tongue in cheek bit of sarcasm?

A wee bit of hyperbole, wouldn’t you say? I am what would be considered a Yankee, but in my opinion, Southerners have more grace and charm than any Northerner will ever have. Your comments are condescending and pathetic. For shame.


Out of curiosity, who goes up to do the intercepts? Is the the New York National Guard or is it the Air Force? Back in 2001 after 9-11, the Guard flew their F16s in constant air defense for days.

This is incredible. Using water, hydrogen, CO2 and sunlight is something we have in abundance. Is this the magic, silver bullet we have heard about for years that will replace petroleum?

I was a 10 year old boy in 1962 when my parents took me on a trip to Washington D.C. As someone who consumed history voraciously, many things stand out. But, the solemness and reverence at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier will forever stay in my memory. [BTW, as a 10 year old, I always wanted to know who was inside

Dat hood, dat hood. Acres of hood. Big enough to land a small plane on. Dat hood.

So true to what you said. Our leadership, if you can call it that, won’t move until tanks are rolling into Washington D.C. You nailed it.

Yes, indeed.

Are you kidding me? Calling me a troll? Gee, do you have a limited vocabulary or something. I never said that Russia was ready to fight the big one. Get a life pal. You are an asshat and you know it. And, speaking of trolls, it w0uld seem you fit that description perfectly. Some people...

Fabulous finish. Montoya was spectacular in drafting and passing Dixon and Power. What a win for Penske. I liked how Kimball was right there as well. All in all, a great race.