

It’s one more thing to do, but you should always call the bank and verify funds. Or meet at the buyer’s bank and have the teller cut you a check right then and there before you hand over the title.

Let’s hear it for CARS!

Here’s a fun thing: I had an Ertl “Force One” diecast F-15 Eagle toy (still do, technically...I think it’s in a box in my attic) from the mid-1980s, I think. It’s a single-seater, but unusually, the body has FAST/CFT on it. Interesting choice, considering how relatively rarely you’d see normal Eagles with CFT.

If there is any air force that would make the f-35 worth keeping, it’s probably the Israeli Air Force. I can’t wait to see what upgrades they make to the airplane.

liberals live to mess things up by controling everything

This is what you get with a bunch of meddling liberals running the...wait, where?!

I hate being redundant by stating other people’s posts, but...

How long it stays and where it goes are the BIG questions.

The Saudi’s better get over their distaste for the Israeli people if they want to use their ports and circumvent Iran entirely. You know the old Arabic proverb; “My enemy’s enemy is my friend.”

The current Party in Turkey is an Islamist party who uses anti-Israeli rhetoric for riling up their own support base. Generally Israel and Turkey had great relations during the secular govts. Also on a side note the Islamist President of Turkey(Erdogan)‘s son ships Petroleum to Israel.

And Erdogan is kind of an antisemitic lunatic.

I’ve said it before, but if Jordan, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Israel, Iraq, and Egypt can stitch together even the most basic economic and political ties, then we’ll witness major headway in the region. It has to happen across the board though. Not ones and twos. It’s getting much better over time, and all the gulf states

I love that this tweet ended up here. It was a real surprise to see earlier today. What I’m interested in is how the Saudis are gonna spin this one in their media.