
Looks like Mr. Murphy and his law were working splendidly here. Or, clusterf**k would work too.

Another fabulous article. I find it incredible though that the U.S. has had such a gap in its helmet mounted sights as well as the F22 receiving the AIM-9X. Was this due to the fact that during the 90s as well as the last decade, there was no foreseeable threat by Russia and China? About the only analogy I can make is

I hope she does really well. The sport needs women besides Danica to demonstrate their talent.

I like the updated design. Has strong character and looks muscular. Looking forward to said test of it.

Good. We are all agreed then that Obummer is the most spineless, feckless person ever to sit in the Oval Office. Correct?

Whoa, hold your horses there buddy. “The US is really isn’t able to assert itself against China who in their own right a superpower and in many ways and the US. is going to have to accept a passenger in this event”? Is this a quotation from Xinhua, the official Communist newpaper of China? Sorry pal, but the U.S.

I have to be honest: I am not very infatuated with the design of the Ford GT. I do not see it putting the other GT to shame. In fact, I think the design is hideous. I would much rather have seen a tribute to the Mk IV which won Sebring and LeMans in 1967.

So cool. Seeing Indians playing and having fun with tractors makes my day.

I guess I missed it. Where is the homage to Abarth?

If the Strategy group is dead set on having refueling, then I would like to see it optional and not mandatory. Let it be part of the race strategy for the weekend, based on the track and weather conditions. If teams want to go the entire race sans refueling, let them do so. If they want to make multiple stops, then

I believe the U.S. needs to assert itself now if the sea lanes and air space currently in international waters are to be left open to all countries. If China executes eminent domain over international air and sea areas, then there will be a conflict at some point. Basing B1s in Australia might not be such a bad idea.

Just curious, what are you referring to? These are the only actions I can think of in the entire Pacific region: The U.S. decimated Japan after it was attacked. The U.S. was involved in Korea, which became a stalemate, but could have easily been won had politics not gotten in the way. Then, there was Viet Nam, which

I am not surprised because as you said, this administration is spineless and feckless. Worst president ever. Makes George Bush look good by comparison, and that is saying something.

I don’t feel too badly for Susie. After all, she can go home and cry on Toto’s shoulders. I am sure he could dig up a used Mercedes F1 car for her to play with.

The list should have said, “Ten of the best cars you can buy on ebay for less than $30,000 that you will not need to fix everyday.” Out of the whole list, only the S2000 could be bought cheaply and be reliable at the same time. The NSX, only because of its age, would come in second. As for the Viper and Mondial, bring

Dang, it said turn right when I should have turned left.

I love naked cars. Moar car pornography for me!

The only good racing was Valteri and Kimi and perhaps the Toro Rossos.

I sometimes wonder if we could get the Glorious Leader to disarm if we promised to give him unlimited cheese and cigarettes and good old American whiskey. He be one happy camper for sure!

I was really hoping that there could have more of a “race”, but once again, we were treated to a Silver Arrows runaway. The first part of the race was entertaining with Seb getting a better start than Lewis. But, we all knew it wouldn’t be long until Lewis caught and passed Seb. Lewis was told to not to attempt to