
Dear Glorious leader looks so happy, like he is planning to attack the U.S. or some other mischief.

Yes, it is. Dear, Glorious Leader having a fun day planning future mischief.

It’s funny how you accused me of trolling when you did that very thing to alan. As I said, you Leftist Libs crack me up. You use pseudo science to advance implausible ideas. And, again, you made my point by using ad hominem attacks. You are kind of like the people in this current administration as well as the party

Great story!

Nice to see two adversarial, but in one case, former Communist nations, mend their ways. Seeing Putin and Xi Jinping sends shivers down my spine. And seeing the Chinese PLA march in Moscow brings back bad memories of the Stalin/Mao Tse Tung era. This is never good when Russia and China are pals. I hope I am wrong, but

Ah, struck a nerve there. You Libs always make me laugh and chuckle. Your skewed sense of reality always comes to the fore. All you have done is prove me right. When faced with facts or the truth, Libs always go for ad hominem attacks. Speaking of trolls, how are you doing? Take a look in the mirror pal, because it

Somewhere after WW2 and the Korean war, the U.S. military became infatuated with high tech, ridiculously expensive platforms. Some like the B52 and SR-71 showed that the Pentagon was on the right track. It first began with the stupid notion during the 1950s that all air to air combat would be fought with missiles and

Certainly one of your best articles ever Tyler. As one who is very thankful for the IAF, I immensely enjoyed reading about the innovation that the Israelis have used in the F15.

Wait, killing a baby in the womb is something you are commending? And, I suppose you are going to tell me with a straight face that evolution is without a doubt the essence of pure science. If you do, then, you just proved that Liberals are anti-logic.

You got that right!

Dude, you are awesome. I am clapping from my end. 5 star post!

There have been some bad crashes over the years. Bobby Allison had a horrific crash in 1987 that led to restrictor plate racing. Top 10 Talledega crashes:

Hey shitass, get some intelligence. I said Saudi Arabia, which is a very conservative Arab country. I did not mention more moderate countries. And racist dickheadery? Are for frickin’ real asshole?

Awesome. All is right in the universe. I am one, happy camper.

What is with the ad hominem attacks?

I rest my case.

I never blamed anyone. Did you take the time to read? Your comments are unfortunately so typical of today’s mindless internet posters. Use ad hominem attacks rather than use some tactfulness and diplomacy. Your rather churlish reply to me tells me that I got you all figured out.

My two cents worth: Almost every day, I get cut off by some asshat weaving in and out of traffic. So, trying to be a proactive driver, I take note of the overtaking speed and swerving to stay the hell away from an accident. Sadly, everyone is taught defensive driving where rather than being proactive, the driver

Wow, I think you failed your class in tactfulness and diplomacy.