
Besides the fact that the goat got the goat of the Naval command, the Captain did not run a taut ship. Glad to hear that the goat is safe and well in San Diego.

I would not be surprised, hence my use of Saudi Arabia only. Apparently, you are reading more into what I said, then what I simply said. Next time, don’t use supposition to decide what you think I am saying.

Yeah, that would work well too.

I like Eager Beaver better. A little semantic ambiguity never hurt anyone. Well played!

Awesome bunch of ladies there. Makes me proud to be an American. Serving our country and showing the world that women can get the job done. Just wonder though how conservative Arab countries feel about this? If Saudi women cannot drive, imagine how apoplectic the Saudis will be over these women.

There is a pun embedded somewhere in your sentence I believe.

Not a Cadillac fan, but this thing is a beast. Price seems high though.

Wow, this article is from November and you are still commenting on it? Bored a little?

Apparently, you know little about the subject, which is quite obvious by your remarks. Perhaps it is best we just drop this because you and I will continue to be at loggerheads.

Agreed. The genie is out of the bottle and quite frankly, I have no idea what the future will hold. I think the direction Egypt is going is best. A benevolent quasi dictator who is pushing reforms. The change must come from Arabs themselves, not the U.S. or the West.

You got that right. Amazing how they will not acknowledge Israel’s right to exist.

Wrong. First of all, there have never been a Palestinian people. Get your facts straight. A little history mini lesson: In the first century, there were the Jewish wars. The wars culminated at Masada where Jewish fighters put on a bold defense against the Romans.

I blame Obama for much of what is happening with ISIS. He is culpable. So is Bill Clinton because he could have dealt a blow to Al Qaeda and even could have had Bin Laden killed. All 3 are clowns and we are paying the price.

Bumper karts are fun because you can nerf people out of the way. However, Race Karts is where it is at if you want good fun. Of course, you will have to drive with skill rather than bump and hit to get by. Both are fun, but Race Karts are where it is at.

I lay the blame for current policy on Clinton, Bush and Obama. Those 3 and their feckless policies have done more damage than good. Bush in particular had this idea that the Middle East could be democratic and have elections like the United States. Nice idea, but so far removed from reality that it almost seems

I used to think that removing dictators was good for a country. People like Gaddafi and Sadaam Hussein for example. Then, I saw what happened to Libya and Iraq after they were deposed and the end result is worse than when they were there. Iraq would be a buffer to Iran today and Libya would not be a home to ISIS.

I was 10 years old when that happened. By the mid 60’s there were even plastic models of the A12. Even as a young boy, it was very apparent this was a much different plane from the Century series fighters and F4 Phantom. Hats off to Kelly Johnson and the Skunk Works for their superhuman efforts in building the SR-71.

Umm, are you that stupid or do you work at it? Jeep says it will hit 0-60 in 4.7 seconds. Some people are getting 0-60 in the low 4 second range. Maybe a Jeep Compass will do that. God, I cannot believe how dumb people are today.

Dude, you can do no wrong in my book. I am going to get a black, SRT GC soon. I love your post!

Yes! Aston Martins for the masses.