
We have come full circle. Wally Parks in the early 1950s promoted drag racing on dedicated quarter mile tracks because hot rodding was so popular and people were street racing with their jalopies.

McLaren today is too sterile, too antiseptic, too bland. They make good cars, but somehow, they lack the charisma and charm of a Ferrari or Lamborghini. I attribute much of this to Ron Dennis.

Wait, you are now posting about an article from October of 2014?

Reminds me of Leona Helmsley who famously quipped, "Only the little people pay taxes"!

If you loved the race, bully for you.

I still say, "meh"

Umm, I was referring to NBCSports and before that, Speed Channel. Do you disagree that they have/had too many commercials?

I am usually very excited about the 500, but this year, it all seemed so tame. Maybe the constant nattering of the talking heads is jading my perspective. I like Tony Stewart and his contact with the wall was unfortunate, but all in all, the race was kind of boring.

Welcome to all motosport's coverage in the U.S. regardless of network. You should try and watch a Tudor race. Basically commercials with a little racing thrown in. F1 also has its frequent interruptions. Honestly, I would rather pay for race coverage and do without any commercials, but alas, there is nothing at the

Feel kind of bad that Dale Jr. did not win. He got shuffled back during one of the last cautions, but he worked himself back to 3rd. Jeff Gordon, Joey Logano and Jr. all were strong today.

I have never been an Alonso fan, but I truly wish him the best in recovering. We all suffer when someone gets hurt in F1 or any other form of motorsports. Fernando, may you quickly return to your McLaren.

What a timeless beauty of a car. I saw my first one in person in 1970 and knew right away it was going to be a big hit. And, you cannot appreciate how small and compact the car is until it is parked next to new cars of today.

I have gotten to the point where when the Air Force doesn't like something, then it must be good, except in the minds of those in the Pentagon who love high priced, fancy airplanes. The A10 still has battlefield value and should if anything, be updated and improved. Thank you Tyler for mentioning the Spad aka A1

Good one!

In the years ahead, people will say, "Who was Kurt Busch?" and others will say that he was a figment of the imagination of the esteemed writer Patricia Driscoll, who is into fantasy novels. Kurt Busch will become a euphemism for someone who never existed except in the mind of an imaginative writer, much like Ian

You mean that the Jetsons got it wrong? I always thought how keen an idea it would be to be able to fly to Spacely Sprockets!

Oh Stef, this just made my day on a dreary, cold winter Saturday. Somewhere, someone is enjoying nice weather and racing, but I digress...

I always get Regan Smith and David Ragan mixed up. Since both of them are almost never challenging for a win, the confusion is understandable.

That was swift. Even KB's name has been omitted from NASCAR including all t-shirts and die cast cars. Almost like he never existed.

Kat do the man proud and those of at Jalopnik as well by writing the definitive history of the man. The man was a legend and it was his "nail stick up to trip people" attitude that gave us the Z and got Datsun, aka Nissan onto the forefront of coolness. I remember when I saw my first 240Z in person in either 1970 or