
In case you didn't know, it is considered bad form to be a smart ass, but what the hey? It means a lot to me when someone like you comments on what I have said. Carry on yourself.

I didn't ask for a mini history lesson. I just said that he felt Baa Baa Black Sheep was done terribly and inaccurately. And, for what it is worth, I am sure that I was around airplanes waaaaay before you were a twinkle in your daddy's eyes. My mom happened to meet the guy in Long Beach in 1950 when he was a wrestling

We should forward this to Kurt and Patricia!

Thanks, I try. Coming from you, that is a real compliment.

One thing I love about the B52 is that it is the only plane I can think of that I can immediately tell how old it is. The first one flew in 1952, the same year I was born. This H model, although a later iteration, still has that magnificence presence that the Buff has always had.

Holy Homonyms Batman. Passed and past.

Past participles are your best friend!

I sure loved that show even if Pappy himself hated it. Just seeing those Corsairs in the air at the same time brought tears to my eyes. I sure envy you for having been there to see them in action.

Not to excuse Kurt Busch if he did indeed try and strangle his ex, but his ex is hardly Mother Teresa. She too seems psychotic. When mixed with Kurt Busch, you have a pyschotic cocktail that was sure to end poorly. It seemed that the past couple of years, Kurt had been trying to reinvent himself and he seemed more

Sure. Apparently, you have not been following F1 for very long. I have been watching and had an interest in it since 1966. So, what sayest thou about the ground effects cars of the late 70s? Or, what do you say about the cars with over 1,000 hp in the 80s? F1 until the last few years was about innovation,

For any young person who was a teen in the 1960s, the Ford GT was THE poster car. Not only were they beautiful, they looked like 200 mph when sitting in the pits. I cried with joy when the MK IIs finished 1-2-3 in 1966 and did cartwheels when the Mk IV won again in 1967. These were the proudest moments for any

No, I think you are missing the idea of overpowered. Even though those cars have awd, they are still a handfull. The GT-R will pull a wheelie on a launch. And, the discussion is about cars being overpowered. I was giving explicit examples because there will probably be more cars like the Hellcats in the future.

Laid is a relative term...

Oh, how I love rallys in snow. My favorite was people like Stig Blomqvist driving an Audi Sport Quattro.

Yes, I am aware of the history of the saying. No wonder the USPS has used it as their slogan for so long.

Should have said, when not driving.

Actually, no. My friend smoked Marlboros and I am still to this day a non-smoker. Neither of us indulged in any "chemicals" whether non-prescription or prescription. We did have a beer or two along the way, just not when driving.

I remember this race because ABC's Wide World of Sports covered it, at least gave it 15 minutes of glory interspersed with curling and ping pong matches. Oh, those Meyer's Manxes were so uber kool as well.

No worries. All is well that ends well. Cheers mate!

Congrats. While I was far from being the fastest, I acquitted myself well for a man of 62 years of age. And, I beat my son and his friends who are in their early 20s. Had the time of my life. After that, I started lusting after a Fiesta ST....