
Just when you thought NASCAR couldn't muck it up any more than they have in the last couple of years, we now have this stupid qualifying format. Every year I keep saying that this will be my last year watching, but somehow, having Daytona in February gets me stirred up. I wish that most of the people here could have

Hey, fellow Baby Boomer, I too grew up in the 50s and 60s. Even though Howard Cosell could get on your nerves, he did tell it like it is and pulled no punches. Everybody who is a talking head today pretty much tows the NASCAR line. Kyle Petty is one of the few who has had the guts to speak out against NASCAR.

Agreed. I too like Harvick, but cannot stand that pissass Logano. Sorry, but I couldn't resist the slam at punk Joey.

I do believe that both of these drivers have some history already. I recall Logano taking a shot at Harvick's wife and Harvick took a shot at Logano's father. So, I expect this rivalry to heat up this year, which NASCAR seems to love as these rivalries seem to build viewership. I have faithfully watched NASCAR since

"The first race held here was the 1938 Australian Grand Prix, so its not exactly new."

Um, do you know how many people have already told me that? Are you late to the party or something?

The race and I say that advisedly, was a crashfest. Kudos to Matt Kenseth for his pressing through to the win.

You are right. My mistake.

What a change from a couple of years ago when there were only Holdens and Ford Falcons. Thanks for the pics Kat!

Make us proud Matt!

Amen to everything you said!

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Somehow, when I think of autonomous cars and robot controlled vehicles, the movie, "Patton" comes to mind. At the end of the movie, reporters ask Patton about future wars being fought with "wonder weapons", basically fighting without using people in hand to hand combat, just someone pushing a button. To paraphrase was

I wonder if I am too far gone? I have lost 2 1/2 inches of height over the past 27 years [due to back surgery and aging] and I seem to be growing exponentially sideways. Basically, I am becoming a Spongebob. How do you accentuate a square?

Now playing

I don't know why, but the children's nursery rhyme "Here we go loopty-loo" comes to mind.

There was talk a year or so ago about getting Tony and Danica into a ride for Indy. While Danice would easily slide into the cockpit, 'ol Tony would better be served by an XXXL wide chassis and to hell with the aerodynamics. Too many fat burgers and Oreos have made Tony the Pillsbury Dough Boy of NASCAR. Still, I love

It is amazing when you think for a minute that the B52 came out in 1952 [the year I was born] and may continue on to 2040, almost a 90 year life span. The Wright brothers first flew in 1903 and by 1993, we had gone to the moon and there was a B2 Stealth Bomber. The venerable B52 will have gone through many generations

Windchill, not ambient temperature. I live in a state next door to you and temps will actually be above zero but the wind chill will be a killer.

Another good insight on Dubai. I appreciate it!

Thanks for the insight. I had no idea. Definitely not a place to go to under any circumstances.

Oh, I am aware of that. I thought that maybe I would assuage the greenies on the forum.