
And may no-one ever have to smell it in person.

Good for him. I have to say, and you can call me old fashioned, I actually like the 1970 Challenger 440 six pack more than the Hellcat. Both are sublimely beautiful, making me green with jealousy.

Hey, here is an idea: Rather than manufacturers spending millions and millions of dollars on race car and drivers spending thousands and thousands on the ladder system, how about just racing virtually? No damage to cars, no injuries to the drivers and people good at video gaming can work up to F1 or WEC. Sarcasm

You got that right. Rather than being pro-active and paying attention, they are distracted and lack any evasive maneuvering skills. Worse, they will plow into you rather than use the brake pedal judiciously or swerve to go around. This is the reason vehicles are so heavy and so expensive these days. Government safety

What? Who said I was going to buy a used roadster and then upgrade. I simply said that it would be a fun vehicle for boring commutes. Perfect slice and dice vehicle and done environmentally friendly at that. Reading comprehension my friend, reading comprehension.

Why did I come away from this story feeling like Dubai is the armpit of the earth? Even with said 918, nothing could mitigate how awful the place is, at least the way Chris described it.

Growing up, they were called shadetree mechanics. Today, they are shadetree electricians! Kudos to this guy!

Slamming on brakes? Is anyone that dense these days? Seriously, I gave you solid reasons the car is safe beyond just plowing into another vehicle and yet you intentionally have ignored them. I get it that you don't like the car. That is fine. But, facts are facts...

I love that comment: "The more money than talent crowd". So much truth in that. Now Travis, what do you do with people like me who have neither money or talent? I sometimes think Walter Mitty was written with me in mind.

Wrong. They have massive, no make it MASSIVE brakes to help ztop it. And, the Hellcats actually do extremely well on road courses, which sounds counter-intuitive when you have that much mass, but they are safe either avoiding an accident or worse, getting into one.

Nyet. This is the PERFECT vehicle to do what you said: Blow people off the line at a traffic light. I am SO sick and tired of people either trying to race me or worse, leap ahead and then cut me off. With a Hellcat, I, yes I, control the road...

Wag... Good one!

I need one of these. The perfect vehicle for not only having extended range, but for making boring drives to work fun.

Here are four reasons you should buy one:

Whether we approve or disapprove the Israeli state politics, we all have to admit that Israeli armed forces is the most amazing, well-organized and efficient military force of the last 50 years. This aircraft is a great example of that.

The lines of the F16 have always been just right. Whether flown by U.S. or IAF pilots, they are deadly. Quite an illustrious career for number 107.

No, you need to leave. Thnx.

Wag. Gotta love that PG wit!

Makes me wonder how we all lived with any cars built prior to 1980. My 1976 VW Scirocco would have crumpled like an accordion in an accident. All seriousness aside, I love Raphael's tongue in cheek comments about how drifting wars would break out if Silvias were allowed to be imported.

Well, I bought a new 1976 VW Scirocco, the sportier version of the Golf/Rabbit. After 3 years, my doors rusted through. Back then, there was no galvanizing of metal and the manufacturers used little undercoating. I can only imagine a rusty, sliding door...