
And you post edifying material yourself?

Why? I like the guy. Maybe there should be a litmus test and if a person is not Leftist-Liberal, then he or she should be banned, right? Well, so much for free speech...

"Rouge wave:? Rouge is a reddish compound either used in women's cosmetics or for polishing.

Lethal yes, but enough to face an uncertain future? No!

Actually, I believe he was saying that our Navy is the smallest since the 1920s in size. Not a good thing. Yes, we have lethal ships, but we could easily be overextended if we had to fight on two or more fronts. A small navy with an ever expanding Chinese Navy as well as Russia is not a good thing.

Try to fight a two front war with our current Navy. This is a distinct possibility given the instability in the world.

Thank you for a breath of fresh air in a place filled with the stale air of Leftist-Liberalism.

Have you seen the keels on an Iowa class? They are massive along with the screws. I don't think that 16" guns firing would put much stress on the keels.

If the dead people you mentioned are hostile to the U.S. like ISIS for example, then yes, I smile and smile a lot. I rejoice when evil is destroyed. Speaking of having your head checked seriously, when is the last time you went and saw a psychiatrist? You sir are the epitome of pandering to evil. And as such, you

I would assume that the broadsides from the port and starboard sides would cancel each other out. Pretty cool shot nonetheless!

I will try. Some of them go back to the 1960s and are quite voluminous as well as priceless, at least to me. I recommend going on Amazon as they have a huge list of books and DVDs on the Iowas. There is a great video on the USS Missouri on DVD that I highly recommend.

What you say is true. I guess I was so overwhelmed with joy regarding the Iowas that I ignored the plight of the lesser ships.

Honestly, that doesn't matter with the re-activations of the four Iowas. They were so impressive on their own, it overshadowed any lesser vessels. And, the Navy was inundated with requests by former seamen to do active duty on one of the Iowas. There was such an esprit de corps on these ships and the pride of being

OK Tyler, now you are talking. And, it is something that is not only dear to me, but a topic that I have studied for over 50 years and I have accumulated a vast library of books on the Iowa class battleships. When President Reagan and Secretary of the Navy John Lehman proposed bringing back all four Iowas, I was

Well, with CBS, ABC, NBC, CNN and MSNBC, that leaves only one Conservative based media outlet and you will never see that network providing moderators. I just want a neutral, unbiased person to carry on the debates. Then, let the fur fly. Kat, I respect your political point of view which you have expressed in other

I remember when Speed tried a noble effort in 2012 to cover part of the race. Even with the mindless nattering of Darrell Waltrip, the in car shots showed how wickedly cool this track is, especially the very fast downhill section that seemed like falling off a mountain. I really wish that this race could be covered

Well Kat, if there was a level playing field where the moderator was not a hack for the Democrat party [i.e. presidential debates] hand picked from Liberal networks, old Uncle Joe just might make a fool out of himself. Instead of whiffle balls being thrown, how about iron shot puts that Conservatives are usually

The perfect e-ticket ride when touting climate change and, it is made in by gosh America as well. I want to see a Kevlar bodied Tesla with all the latest high tech armor.

Thanks. Another person explained it to me, but you give more detailed information, which I appreciate. They look like a hoot to drive. Now, if I sold my house...

Wow, talk about big cajones. When it comes to mountains and no guardrails, I am more than a wimp. I am a worm who would try to bury itself into the ground. When I see things like this in rallyes or places like Pikes Peak, my heart actually stops for a moment as if I were on the edge. There is a reason these people are