
Ah, thanks!

Could someone tell me where the IMSA Prototype Lites car would race? I don't believe I have seen this class in the Tudor Series. Is this a class that runs on the same weekends as Tudor races? Or, is this a new class that will be running this year?

I could live with that!

The IAF is about as good as it gets. Their pilots are highly trained and effective in their missions. Pretty cool rescue there.

Dumb bombs or not, the more ordnance that is dropped on these devils, the better. The fact that they are being supported by U.S. planes should be an encouragement to the Jordanians. I applaud the Jordanians for finally having enough and taking the war right to the heart of ISIS. What was done to that Jordanian pilot

An hour long program is better than nothing at all. The BTCC is a fast and furious series with incredible dicing and battles. I will have to check this out and begin recording the races. Thanks for the info!

I love your line of thinking!

Yes, but I want you to have one to own and then be part of a life adventure. I want to read of glorious road trips and hooning.

Actually, it goes back earlier than Bellof's accident, which I saw when the race was being covered. It really began in the 70s when F1 became less of a gentlemen's sport and more of fierce rivalries, both with teams and with drivers. Your examples really do not support your argument because I am talking about top tier

Well Dan Gurney did well and so did Mario as well as Jack Brabham and Phil Hill. But, as you said, we lost many good drivers, usually in F1 races. Had the safety been better back then, we would probably have most of them around today. I still am grieving over the loss of Jim Clark and Mark Donohue.

People exaggerating about automotive adventures? What is this world coming to? Well, I am pretty sure that my 1976 VW Scirocco could do 15o mph. Well, I am pretty sure...

Oh, I am sure it is exactly as you say. The investment makes racing in any other series to be unacceptable as you said. I do also believe there is a safety risk as well. Look at what happened to Mark Webber. Still, what a thrill it would be to have Alonso, Vettel, Hamilton et al to be racing at LeMans. Well, we can

Wags... well played I must say!

I say that we crowd source the funds so that Patrick can drive one and give us many fun and adventurous articles!

It is too bad that there is very little crossover these days between different types of racing. Think back to June of 1967: Dan Gurney along with A.J. Foyt won LeMans on June 11th driving a Ford Mk IV. One week later on June 18th, Dan won the Spa F1 race in his own Eagle. He also raced at Indy and drove a Lola-Ford in

Yes, yes and YES! Ford REALLY needs to have an P1 car, not a P2 car. A P1 car like the Mk II and Mk IV that were basically designed for LeMans would be the way to go. I like your line of thinking!

Would you stop please? I am getting sick and tired of your comments. You are like a broken record because you keep repeating the same old crap. Look, I completely and totally disagree with you and you are not going to sway my thinking. You have your opinion and I have mine. I want you to refrain from replying to me as

Well, isn't that a nice kettle of fish? Gee, I wonder how F1 got to the point that it is at right now? Must be part of a master plan to eliminate all the races that made F1. For me, this would be like the NHL eliminating the Detroit, Red Wings, Boston Bruins, Toronto Maple Leafs, Montreal Canadians, Chicago Blackhawks

Cletus? Like Dukes of Hazzard Cletus?

Sorry my friend, but you are wrong. I have read much about how all the computer geeks and simulations cost waaaaaaaaaaaaaay more than real time testing. Your argument is feeble and based on false information. Please don't trot out the old "the wealthiest teams" argument either. Regardless of computer simulations or