
Ferrari N/A engines RIP. Long live the naturally aspirated Ferraris!

Oh c'mon, do you think that legions of programmers is any cheaper than unlimited testing? The super rich teams will exploit whatever advantage there is, whether with computers and simulations, or testing. And, Mercedes built a car around Lewis Hamilton basically and we saw the domination that happened in 2014. You are

Umm, maybe you should direct your comments towards Stef. She is the one who reported this. Not sure why you are taking me to task over it. I was merely responding to her comments.

Patrick is one of us, and for that, I love him. As for the TRD Pro, it is a step in the right direction. I am crazy head over heels in love with the 4Runner TRD Pro in Inferno Orange. Now, if Toyota could do a little magic on the engine, we would have a suitable Raptor challenger.

The testing should be a constant and ongoing. Not that stupid mid-season deal. Basically, I am looking for a return to unlimited testing in lieu of 500 computer programmers doing simulations for each team. I have read much that says that the computer programming and modeling costs more than actual testing, which would

Remember, the recipe is always small, light car with big V8 engine. The Cobra was no leviathan when parked next to a Tiger.

Magnifique. So chic, so avant garde. This car is so uncoventional, so unorthodox, it defies the current logic of LMP1. While the design itself seems counter-intuitive, the creative mind of Ben Bowlby has other ideas in mind. In a way, the Nissan embodies the very spirit and essence of the Can Am series as well as IMSA

Found these images over at Autosport:

Utterly fascinating. Given how narrow the monocoque is and given how the bodywork goes out to the edges of the tires, there will be a considerable amount of space there. Back in the IMSA days, this would have been put to use for ground effects.

Spot on!

I do watch WEC and I love it. But, F1 used to be about innovation. I do disagree with you on testing. Do you honestly think that have legions of computer programmers doing simulations is more cost effective than real testing? Real testing would bring about more parity between the teams. And, all the innovations that

Yeah, you got that right. Innovation is a hated word in motorsports today. And, it is across the board. It is too bad because fans love to see engineering brilliance along with good racing. The formula as it stands as you so well put is that the big teams spend more and get richer while the middle and backmarker teams

Sadly, sarcasm is a lost art these days. We live in an age where everyone is offended about everything. Heck, even on Jalopnik, there are people who get their nose out of joint because they did not take the time to read carefully and discern lampooning or satire. What is really hilarious is that many people often

Oh, my stomach...

Even with the WWI Battleship camo, the car looks great as usual for Red Bull. I get nervous though with the caveats like Ferrari is doing as well. I hope this is not another Mercedes run away. F1 desperately needs good competition to not only keep existing fans happy, but also to entice new ones as well. Either

Sky Sports does have great coverage, no doubt. They obviously spend much more time covering races and must also have a much larger budget to work with. There is nothing wrong with Leigh Diffey, David Hobbs, Steve Matchett and Will Buxton. I did much prefer Bob Varsha to Leigh Diffey however, and I find Will Buxton to

Touche! Well played. Watching baseball is like watching paint dry. BORING and SLOW. Since the cars will be very slow in this section, this is a great analogy.

It is a shame because sometimes a particular corner embodies the character of a circuit. In the quest for safety, many great tracks have been neutered. Safety should always be paramount, but danger has always been an element of auto racing. Finding the right compromise is hard to do, however, this looks like a rush

Well, Stef said it so I was basically quoting her.

My God, that Phantom looks so bitching in black paint. I have heard Phantoms and F14s during fly bys, but never the SR-71. As Tyler so aptly said, this is a "loud photo". Imagine being on the ground and watching them fly by.