
Holy smokes, this is not a reply but rather an essay.

I will never forget when I was working in Minneapolis near Minneapolis/St. Paul International Airport. There is a National Guard base there. One hot, muggy day, I heard this enormous roar, a roar so loud that I thought the building was going to shake apart. The windows were open as there was no air conditioning. I ran

I have to say that the Sukhoi design bureau certainly makes very sexy looking planes. And, they are serious competition for anything coming out of the West. The only thing that has me scratching my head is South Korea contemplating buying some. I would assume that if they do this, the U.S. would get the intel on the

Really, the new Miata with a V8 would make perfect sense and be a kind of modern day AC Shelby Cobra. The recipe is still the same. Mix one high horsepower and torque V8 to a lightweight chassis and voila, instant 2016 Cobra!

Actually, your post made perfect sense and after reading your comments and looking at the picture. I see now what a "monkey seat" is as well as how it seems to be hanging in thin air.

Ah, thanks!

Funny thing is that I still have all those magazines that Travis showed. I was head in heels in love over that mid-engine 2 rotor Wankel Corvette. Somehow, I knew it would never come to fruition as the GM of the 70s was stodgier than an pool hall full of cigar smoke.

Great article Stef. For me, this is like coming home. See, I was an unabashed Ferrari lover-a tifosi right up to when Kimi left the team and Alonso joined it. I still supported Felipe through those dark years from 2008 to 2013, but the team did not seem like the SCUDERIA I once knew. Part or most of my negativity

This one has been sitting for about a year now. It goes inside, then it goes outside, then it goes inside and then it goes outside. Price is down to $44,485 for an automatic.

This one has been sitting for about a year now. It goes inside, then it goes outside, then it goes inside and then it goes outside. Price is down to $44,485 for an automatic.

Hard to believe that the state that gave us George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison and James Monroe is now acting more like a police state than a place where freedom is flourishing. I am sorry, but I strongly disagree with the harsh penalty for speeding over 80 mph. What was done to Patrick is an outrage

Amazingly, some people took issue with this. Yes, there is a strong resemblance in the face, but also in being outstanding astronauts as well as good all around people.

One word: Inscrutable!

Excuse me? Both are African American and both were outstanding astronauts. Are you for real? What an utterly stupid comment. Seriously, the level of intelligence on this site never ceases to amaze me. You are a perfect example of why the US is going to hell in a handbasket...

Say what? Could you please translate what you wrote?

He reminds me a little of Dr. Bernard Harris, the first African-American to walk in space:

Now THEM'S big screws! Screw you water!

Now playing

I have this fantasy of Patrick George driving a Hellcat at 204 mph past that cop in Virginia who was such a speed Nazi. And, like the movie American Graffiti, I would have Raphael attack a chain around the rear differential and then attach it to a tree or something. When Patrick flies by, the cop pulls out and voila,

It makes sense to keep the focus on the Tudor Championship. WTR only runs a single car, so there must not be the money and resources available like the Ganassi team. And, it doesn't make sense to buy a car for just one race, even if it is LeMans. I do hope that in 2017, we will see some of the teams get an ACO invite.

Perhaps a bit of hyperbole, but Virginia seems to be acting like a quasi Nazi state. Hyper overregulation and overzealous police enforcement are indications to me that the state government needs to be changed.