
The Challenger Hellcat is too big. The Challenger Hellcat is too wide. The Challenger Hellcat is too long. The Challenger Hellcat is too heavy. The Challenger Hellcat is too powerful. No, strike that last sentence. The insane amount of power justifies this car when it is too much everything.

Well, just to show how old I am, there were NO poster cars when I was growing up. Yes, there were pictures in magazines and box covers on model cars. But, no Countaches, No McLaren F1s and no Porsche 959s.

This is going to get good. With a price that undercuts the Z/28 by 20K at least and a possible lap time quicker at the Nurburgring, the gauntlet is thrown down to Chevy. And we the enthusiasts benefit. Hopefully, Chevy will get the pricing on the Z/28.

Automotive perfection right there!

Sounds more like protection money to me rather than theft protection. Isn't this what the mob used to do to merchants in an area so that their business didn't burn down? I can only imagine that if the money was not paid, then your car might go up in flames...

Oh, you poor mixed up boob you. Take your aggression out on someone else. I am not your verbal punching bag. So, I hurt your little ass when I mentioned Joest. Too bad. A little sensitive, aren't we?

Really? Do say. Gee, the things one learns here on Jalopnik.

Go back and reread my comments. I never said that I believed the conspiracies. I said I had heard them. I even acknowledged that Ganassi is the best prepared team and has been for years. I was disappointed that both the Shank P2 and WTR Corvette lost, but am I not allowed to feel so? I guess you failed at reading

Excuse me? I think I was being held in question for not knowing anything about F1. I used the recording as an example that I have been loyally following the sport for years and I have the video and DVD-R recordings as reference. Sorry little man, but time to move on. I don't suffer fools gladly.

I again ask you to read what Joest had to say: "I think it was 2011 that CGRs DPs were junk and right before the race grand am made a last minute BOP change and then all of a sudden no one could touch them. People believe it was because nascar wanted to turn CGRs Daytona and Indy wins into "the big 3" buy adding a

Still at it? Hmm, all of this rancor because I think Fox and NBC Sports do a great job. Apparently, you love to fight. I am done with you. Please take your anger out on someone else.

Thanks for the curt answer. Nothing like the mental midgets on this site.

Read this post by Joest and get back to me:

Thank you for bringing this up. I was kind of sketchy on the details as I seem to have forgotten some of this. But it is all coming back now. I appreciate the information!

Great comments!

Funny, you are the one who attacked me and now you are crying foul. You should take a look at yourself in the mirror while you are at it. Do you spell hypocrite with a lower or upper case letter?

No, they didn't deserve to win. Sadly, the Tudor series uses the NASCAR formula to allow teams to regain lost laps. And, the late caution certainly hurt WTR. Sorry, but I just cannot root for the Ganassi team.

I know he is good and I know that Ganassi is the best in DP, at least at Daytona. On some forums I have been on for a long time, some feel that the France family has given BoP advantages to Ganassi because Ganassi has a NASCAR team. Whether true or not, they certainly come prepared to race. Just the same, I feel

Dude, seriously relax yourself. Think about it for a minute. You initiated this whole thing with me just because I happen to like Fox Sports. And for that, I was vilified by you. Sorry, but I do not suffer fools gladly and I will make no exception for you either. Speaking of crybabies, what is good for the goose is

This is such a shame. WTR dominated most of the race. I really thought they had it in the bag. That stupid, lengthy caution at the end really hurt as did the driver change. While I was hoping for the Shank Ligier-Honda to win, I would have settled for WTR. What I was not hoping for was for one of the Ganassi cars to