
Oh, I agree Indy and NASCAR are terrible. No, make that TERRIBLE. Really, you have the same talking heads who all are politically correct and will never say anything negative about NASCAR or any of the drivers. Only Kyle Petty has the chutzpah to criticize people like Danica Patrick as well as NASCAR. Hopefully, NBC

Well, your comment assumed I did not know that. And, I actually listened to the 1970 Daytona 24 hours on the radio. And, I have seen the 917s race in person, so I suppose I was aware of what John Wyer had done.

I agree that everyone is getting raped by the satellite and cable companies. I hate it when I have to buy all the packages just to get the racing I want. Many times, I scroll through the channels [and there are several hundred] and I cannot find ONE decent program. I hate it. If I could just purchase the channels I

Totally agree. He killed ALMS. And, one would have thought that with the merger of Rolex and IMSA, the fields would be larger. But, the DP class is down and so is P2. Even GTLM is smaller. The only ones to maintain field size is GTD. I feel the merger really didn't help anyone.

Gee, tell us how you really feel...

No, your words do not match up with what you have said. Another mindless idiot typing away on the internet. And what is my big sin? I stand condemned in your small mind because I happen to like NBC Sports F1 coverage. Have you ever listened to Anthony Davidson? Apparently not. He is a lesson right there in dullness.

Hey asshole, I doubt you too. Want to know why? Because your insipid, stupid comments show what a small person you really are. If David Hobbs is boring, then you sir need a life. I find it amazing that asshats like you want to fight with someone just because I like the NBC Sports coverage of F1. You must either be

I hate that guy. He practically ruined ALMS. I remember in 2013 when Sebring was only on ESPN 3. Well, I had Direct TV, so no coverage. I was so mad. That guy is an insult to all fans of sports car racing. I too was incredulous at his comments.

$2,000 a year? What kind of plan is that? I don't pay anywhere near that.

Thank you. Finally a sane person amongst all the people with retardation...

Yes, I actually record and watch later. Fast forward through the commercials and you can actually watch the race. Now, watching a NASCAR race means that you had better have a strong finger to fast forward all the time! A little racing interspersed with commercials.

But Fox did cover Australian Supercars. Remember, there is Fox, Fox Sports 1, Fox Sports 2 and Mav TV. What I do miss is more coverage of the WEC, the WRC and unlimited airplane racing. Back around 1997, Speed Vision was literally a 24 hour a day racing and car network. Talk about racing overload!

You have a great day too. You mentioned that American commentators are dry as we were discussing F1 coverage. I just wanted to point out that all the F1 commentators are NON Americans. David Hobbs of all people is someone you would never call dry.

I just could not believe what happened to the Aston Martin. Seriously, what a bone headed move on the part of the Ferrari driver. A Ferrari 458 Corse strikes again.

Well, I am disappointed. Another Ganassi win at Daytona. I am bitterly upset because the Shank P2 car did not win. Heck, I would have loved to have seen the Taylors and their Corvette DP beat the Ganassi boys. Oh well, there is always next year when Ganassi will win again.

No, it was in the right place. You however are in the wrong place wherever that is. As I said, some people like to bitch...

I am guessing that you are clueless. Gee, all 2014 races were recorded on Direct TV. And, I have been following F1 since 1966. I have EVERY F1 race recorded since 1982. And you little man tell me that I didn't watch all of the F1 season. Gee, don't jump to conclusions. Just because I have a different opinion than

Oh really? Gee, I wouldn't have known that unless you had told me. OK, I am 62. Followed F1, Can Am, Endurance Racing since 1965. Subscribed to over 10 magazines. And to think I missed that John Wyer in 1970 helped change the tail of the 917 to make it more stable. Thank God you are around.... NOT!

Are you kidding me? I have seen Sky Sports and I will say it again: I hate droll, boring and sarcastic British commentators. BTW, David Hobbs and Steve Matchett do a super job of covering the races. Steve Matchett provides a lot of technical insight. Perhaps you did not know that he worked on Shumacher's car at

Give me an ever loving break. The majority of races are usually run on NBC Sports with CNBC occasionally. Seriously, if it is that hard to record on different channels, I pity you. Some people just like to bitch...