
It seems like the F35 was crafted to be a jack of all trades so to speak. Given that the military has made mission specific planes become multi mission in their performance, I would think that CAS would have been given more consideration. But, obviously, I am no expert on the topic. I am rather simplistic about how I

Stef, if I were not married, I would propose to you. Any woman who has such a fine appreciation for cars, especially savory ones like an air cooled 911, is someone who should be pampered, respected and loved. Thank you for all the wonderful articles you have given us in 2014. Hope you have a great new year and may we

I'd vote for the Indy Lights driver Alex Lloyd dodging that tire. Anyone who remembers when Felipe Massa got hit in the helmet with a spring at the Hungarian GP in 2009. He had a serious open skull fracture and contusion. It was a miracle he was not killed. Seeing that tire and knowing the damage it could have done

Bet thing that could ever happen to an Insight is to install a K20 engine. These cars are light and very aerodynamic and with a K20, they make a killer platform.

Pretty cool test. I really hope that the F150 does really well in sales. Ford has invested a lot of money and technology to develop this platform. IMO, light is always better. Hopefully, if aluminum can prove itself with trucks, we will lighter Mustangs and other Ford products. In talking to a Ford rep, he said that

Tyler, how could there be such glaring omissions in the F35? EOTS, Infrared pointer and ROVER would seem to be mission critical. After reading this, I would think that the Canadians would be better served for the time being buying F18 Super Hornets. I just hope for the sake of American pilots as well as friendly

I NEED one of these really badly. Please someone, donate one of these to me and I promise to be its faithful caretaker until I die.

First of all, anyone who writes an article about the Ford GT and its history is immediately my best friend like in forever.

Absolutely stunning car. The furtive minds at the Corvette group back then came up with deliciously beautiful race cars. Harley Earl provided the design and Zora Arkus Duntov provided the engineering for the car. The SR-2 provided the impetus for the even more stunning Corvette SS of 1957.

As a kid, I remember Mobil gas stations with Pegasus as the logo for the company. I also remember many race cars that had the Pegasus logo proudly displayed. Mobil had a proud history in racing in post WW2 America.

I really hope that Lotus can stay viable. To lose them along with Marussia and Caterham is a hit to the grid size. And, Sauber seems to be struggling too. Formula 1 is in the worst shape I can ever recall.

This track is one steeped in so much history. Corvettes baptism by fire was there. Bill Mitchell's Stingray concept raced there. There even was a maroon color for the Corvette called, "Marlboro Maroon". I had a 1967 427 Corvette convertible in that color. I wish I was Bill Gates because I would buy it just for

OK, to put this to rest eternally, I have pictures from the owner of the first Hellcat sold at the dealership my son works with. When we told him what you said, he laughed out loud hysterically and wondered how anyone could be so dumb. Anyway, the proof is in the pudding and here are the pictures:

Reward? BTW, I have a Hellcat hoodscoop picture for you, both outside and inside.

I always loved them. I will take mine in red, which is about the perfect color for any Italian sports car.

Being a total, fanatical gearhead, any type of motorsports appeals to me: Formula 1, Indy, NASCAR, Sports Cars, Sprint Cars, Drag Racing, WRC, Unlimited Hydroplanes, Unlimited Airplanes, Off Road racing. If it has an engine, I love it.

Thank you Raphael for running this story. As an Evo X owner, I feel somewhat saddened and disappointed that Mitsubishi decided to bring out an Evo X with 473 hp when the fat lady is about to sing. Mitsubishi has had since 2008 to upgrade the car, but has done virtually nothing save for Ralliart taillights in 2010 and

Which is worse: A dumb b0mb or a dumb bl0nde? Both can be lethal I guess., but both are unpredictable.

If I have to explain it to you, then you are too far gone. But, you personify boredom to its fullest essence.

If your penis is pointed like that missile, I worry about anyone who is a recipient of it.