That 100 year old lady they kept showing definitely died from a heart attack. I don’t remember them showing her after the td.
That 100 year old lady they kept showing definitely died from a heart attack. I don’t remember them showing her after the td.
What a freakin’ game! Minnesota looks set to make history.
Do you have a lot of car dealerships in your area advertising, If you have $100 and a job, you can drive home in a new car today! Those always make me so mad, isn’t that the kind of nonsense that got us into a collapse in the first place?!
Left Cat: Let’s kill him.
Right cat: You’re a funny looking cat...
My primary partner has never had a dog. So I got her a dog for Christmas.
I think the thing people forget is that for a long time, there was a certain amount of sexual harassment that wasn’t even a matter of toughening up. It was just there your entire life, no matter where you were, and therefore invisible.
My first semester of college, I am living at home to save money (lived 30 minutes from school). Bumped into a girl I had known from high school who I had always joked around with. After a few minutes of chit-chat she leans up to whisper ‘Always wanted to know you better.’ so I suggested we go to dinner the next night.
Heh. Absolutely true story. It’s the late ‘80s (this is important), and I’m with my long-term GF (about my age, 22/23 or so), in her bedroom at her folks’ house. Sometime about midnight-ish, rowdiness starts to happen, and the GF is pining for some candle-play. So the tapers come out (we were duly diligent, so they…
This term is new to me, but that’s because I’m a trash hillbilly who thinks driveways with loose stones are fancy and driveways with blacktop are for billionaires.
But Lauer wasn’t hiding much of anything from Couric. She has said in the past that he was pinching her ass. Why would you say that someone who can do that to you- his colleague, and most would say his peer-wasn’t known to you as a creep? That’s not even basic creep behavior, it’s major league. The man is touching…
Wow, that is awful. I’m sure people blaming them, saying they knew, only made it worse.
my first college apartment was a studio, almost quite literally one room, and it was dominated by my cali king waterbed (don’t ask) - the awkwardness for me was inviting anyone over, and opening by door to what appeared to be an invitation to debauchery.
Boy, it’s almost like this type of predator deliberately grooms certain people to feel “better” and “different” and therefore those other dumb sluts were asking for it, or something!
It’s almost as though predatory men understand social power and deliberately prey on people with less power while presenting a polite public face to those with enough social capital to present a problematic target for their predations as a cover. Almost.
“Hey, want to go see that new Mark Wahlberg movie? I don’t know what it’s about, but it must be good if he’s in it.”
— absolutely no one, ever
I was shocked to discover he was the highest paid actor in Hollywood last year. The guy has the emotional range of a fire hydrant. In the movie, it’s comical how they put him in…
I am sincerely hoping Michelle Williams finds herself another agent. Clearly the one she has is really bad at their job.
I find it balls in your face rude that for a movie titled “all the money in the world” that actor and convicted violent assaillant m walburg refused to help wipe out a sexual predator from a industry full of sexual predators that several women, who no doubt having been victims of sexual harassment, did for free.…
So will this earn him that dreaded “Difficult To Work With” label that results in your acting career going down the shitter, or at least leaving you glad to get roles in Lifetime movies? Or does that rule only apply to female performers who refuse to do nude sex scenes or touch the director’s pee-pee, not dudebros who…